Try the political quiz

8 Replies


Should there be clearer guidelines on what constitutes a legitimate 'economic development' activity for government officials?


What are your thoughts on the accountability and transparency of public spending for such trips?


How do you balance the potential benefits of networking at high-profile events with the cost borne by taxpayers?


Is it appropriate for public officials to use taxpayer money for trips labeled as 'economic development' visits?

 @C4pitalistMackenziePatriot from Colorado commented…3mos3MO

Tip of the corruption… be nice if anyone gave a crapola ..

 @DeficitUrchinVeteran from New York agreed…3mos3MO

Exactly. Politicians, judges & lawyers all living the high life on the taxpayer & there’s no outrage.


How do you feel about the justification that attending events like the Masters Golf Tournament can serve the public interest?