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 @ISIDEWITH submitted…9hrs9H

JD Vance argued for higher tax rates on childless Americans


This is what our current tax code basically does now, it’s just framed weirdly as resentment against childless people! V…

 @9RLV4X4 from Illinois answered…2hrs2H

taxing income on the 1% does nothing, they don't earn taxable income. We should tax all assets / income, but have it be…

 @9RLT8QL from Michigan answered…2hrs2H

Raise taxes on rich people, seize the profits and revenue of rich and powerful individuals, corporations, and conglomera…

 @9RLPHBW from Wisconsin answered…5hrs5H

Income tax should be on a percentage scale going up based on income. The rich should and mega corporations should pay th…

 @9RLLH8S from New Mexico answered…7hrs7H

Sliding tax brackets based upon annual income. The highest earners pay the largest taxes while those who are homeless or…

 @9RL6TCD from New Jersey answered…14hrs14H

Yes, and implement a robust tax code covering value owned in property, corporate shares, and other assets in order to di…

 @9RL65XRfrom Maine  answered…15hrs15H

Not as a matter of principle, but if necessary as part of a balanced approach to keeping the nations books.

 @9RKZTJY from North Carolina answered…19hrs19H

Abolish income tax, disallow all deductions, increase sales tax, and close existing tax loopholes for large corporations

 @9RKWTTT from Illinois answered…22hrs22H

Increase taxes for the rich, decrease taxes for the poor, and remove all existing tax loopholes for large corporations