Try the political quiz

9 Replies

 @5T4J4TLDemocratfrom Connecticut  commented…7mos7MO

This is what our current tax code basically does now, it’s just framed weirdly as resentment against childless people! Vance team correctly notes we do have child tax credits and deductions; Biden/Harris want to expand them by a lot.

 @ThriftySparrowDemocrat from New York  agreed…7mos7MO

Yeah it’s good to know Vance is in favor of the child tax credit his party hates.

 @LobbyistDannyLibertarianfrom Ohio  disagreed…7mos7MO

So he wants to tax the childless but not Billionaires and it

 @CynicalSenateSeatLibertarian from Indiana  commented…7mos7MO

Except the purpose is not to disincentivize “bad” behavior but rather to ensure that parents have the resources necessary to care for children, so that the burden doesn’t fall too heavily on the government. Leave the government directives on family planning to China.


How would you react if the government introduced policies that financially benefited your neighbors or peers more than you, based on their personal life choices such as having children?


Should the government use tax policies to incentivize or discourage certain personal life choices, like having children?


What impact might higher taxes on childless Americans have on society's view of family and childbearing?


Do you believe it's fair to financially penalize individuals for choosing not to have children?


How do you feel about the idea that people without children should pay higher taxes than those with children?