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8 Replies


Considering the sharp rise in drug-related executions in Iran, what is your stance on the death penalty as a deterrent for drug offenses?

 @9KLNKQB from Kentucky answered…5mos5MO

 @9KLN3ZH from Texas answered…5mos5MO

NO, Absolutely not. The death penalty should be reserved for terrible crimes. Not drugs


How does knowing the execution numbers in Iran compare to those in the United States and Saudi Arabia shape your perspective on international justice systems?

 @9KLMVGT from West Virginia answered…5mos5MO

saudi arabia is a good country were friends with them and keep it that way


Does the significant increase in the number of executions in Iran compared to previous years affect your views on the death penalty?

 @9KLN3ZH from Texas answered…5mos5MO

Not really, I have always felt that the death penalty should exist for certain people


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