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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5yrs5Y


 @9FZCXDM from California disagreed…10mos10MO

Preschool is something that many students have skipped and even then, they had succeeded greatly. There is not need to fund Preschool

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5yrs5Y


 @9F6S8N9 from Texas disagreed…11mos11MO

the government is centralized around education. we are expected to be fully educated by the time we are out of college, however, how are we supposed to be fully educated if the first building block costs more money that some people can pay

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5yrs5Y

No, and all education should be privatized

 @9FV2C8P from Colorado disagreed…10mos10MO

As Simon Bolivar once stated "A people without education is like a building without a foundation", the underlying message in this quote is simply due to the foundations of the nation in itself reflect the education from the people to which a nation will progress or regress at a proportional rate to the education of the general population.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5yrs5Y

Yes, as long as parents also have the option to send their child to private school

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5yrs5Y

Yes, but funding should come from states instead of the federal government

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...5yrs5Y

 @959K74L from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @95K7BH7 from North Carolina answered…2yrs2Y

 @8FPNF73 from Indiana answered…4yrs4Y

It should be the parents' decision to send their child to preschool. Also, the state and the federal government should partially fund preschool and offer aid for low-income families.

 @8NS2CDJ from Minnesota answered…4yrs4Y

I think it should be offered, but parents have a choice to send their child, keep them home, or send to private school.

 @iandromidas from Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

 @piyo99 from Virginia answered…3yrs3Y

 @8LWHHBJ from Washington answered…4yrs4Y

 @85QWNPG from Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, all of schooling from preschool to college should be publicly owned and maintained universally for an equal footing.

 @9CGS28V from Florida answered…1yr1Y

 @9BBYBHL from Illinois answered…1yr1Y

No, this will give too much control to the government over our children.

 @8NH95DT from Arkansas answered…4yrs4Y

 @9GBWNDD from Pennsylvania answered…9mos9MO

No, and I was taught in K-12 education that making babies got you suspended. End all contradictory support for baby-making. We do not need babies, period.

 @9D6QLWZ from Texas answered…12mos12MO

 @9CFJ5BV from Texas answered…1yr1Y

No, you can do it for free by finding free curriculum online, finding other parents to make a preschool group, and taking turns being the teacher, or if you can't take the time to teach even once a week or so, contribute money or sweat equity.

 @9FGJMKX from Colorado answered…10mos10MO

The government should not fund any school, instead they should ban themselves from paying any teacher and abolish the teachers union so the parents can instead form a union and pay for all the school payments including kids who have disabilities or are too poor, so then everybody can get a refund plus extra so our economy can boom again.

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…10mos10MO

Teachers will never get paid enough if they don’t have any unions to stand up against the lack of payment, parents won’t do that at all, and not every parent can afford school so you just designed an education system far worse than our current one.

 @ProgressiveSeafowlLibertarian from Virginia commented…10mos10MO

Indeed, your perspective brings to light the intricate complexities of our current educational paradigm. A world where parents bear the sole financial responsibility for education might not be equitable, for not all parents possess the same financial means. The absence of a union may lead to an imbalance of power, potentially diminishing the voice of our educators. It is a delicate balance, one that requires thoughtful consideration and action. Shouldn't we strive for a system that promotes both quality education and equality of opportunity?

  @9CJ6CB6 from Virginia commented…10mos10MO

The teachers need much more of a voice than they have, but they also need to be honest about what’s happening face-to-face with parents. Parents that don’t attend meetings with teachers don’t get to complain about not being told something. We need increased funding for teachers, while holding a high standard as we currently do. They don’t get paid nearly enough, and the workload is insane, so publicly demonizing teachers is exactly how an education systems takes a turn for the worse.

We should try to teach to each students ability, while also trying to lift those strug…  Read more

 @8D78D3ZRepublican from Georgia answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but it should be state-funded and parents should have the option to send their kids to private schools

 @9CCVG5B from Texas commented…1yr1Y

No, young children ought to be with their parents, and parents ought to receive aid to be able to support them with only one parent working.

 @ConstitutionPathSocialistfrom Maine agreed…1yr1Y

One example of this approach is the Scandinavian model, where countries like Sweden, Denmark, and Norway prioritize family-friendly policies. These nations offer generous parental leave, financial support, and flexible work arrangements to encourage parents to spend more time with their young children. This not only strengthens the bond between parents and children but also promotes a healthy work-life balance.

What are your thoughts on implementing such family-friendly policies in the United States?

 @9BC2KGJ from Washington answered…1yr1Y

No. Preschool should be done at home unless there is a reason as to why it shouldn't/couldn't be done at home. I skipped kindergarten because I did preschool at home with my mom.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

Not every family can afford the time/money to stay at home preschooling a kid, which is exactly what a public universal pre-K program would alleviate, since apparently higher wages and paid parental leave isn't an available option for some reason...

 @9B7HTWK from New York answered…1yr1Y

No, this will affect teacher’s union which can anytime protect those inefficient teachers and bad teachers from not getting fired

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas commented…1yr1Y

There is literally no justification for why we shouldn't offer universal preschool. If you want better teachers, then pay them more.

 @9R7SC7K from Oklahoma answered…5 days5D

Yes, but preschool should not be mandated, just a quality option available to all children and families who wish to use it.

 @9R7LZX8 from Illinois answered…5 days5D

Yes of course as long as parents have options but the fact is if they’re in need of these services we’ve already lost as a nation

 @9N8MT4F  from South Carolina answered…1wk1W

No, this should be handled at the state and local level, and a voucher system should be used instead.

 @9QTZ5SBIndependent from California answered…2wks2W

Private schools already designed for pre-k education should be incentivized to help develop charter and low-income education programs for low-income families to be able to provide preschool for their children.

 @9QSSH6H from Minnesota answered…3wks3W

More research would be appreciated to understand the value of preschool before funding it at sny government level

 @9QS6SRDConstitution from Oregon answered…3wks3W

No, but parents should be given access to programs to teach preschoolers at home, like the HIPPY program.

 @9QS6HSL from Ohio answered…3wks3W

The states should fund it, but also heavily subsidize childcare. Parents who cannot afford to work will decrease our GNP.

 @9QRZ2Y3 from Maryland answered…3wks3W

Yes, but it should be available as an option, for parents should have the choice to keep their children home until kindergarten or to send them to a private preschool.


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