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8 Replies

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington  disagreed…8mos8MO

Gay couples can't have "families" because a family, by definition, is a man and a woman bound in marriage with children. It is not a man and a man or a woman and a woman, or a transvestite lunatic and a transvestite lunatic.

 @9TQ58SM from Virginia  disagreed…6mos6MO

Hi! What about if a spouse dies? There would no longer be both a man and a woman. Would you take the child away from the living parent just because they cannot be seen as a family within your definition of the word? Or, if a woman were to become pregnant and the father chooses to not be involved, are the woman and her child not a family of their own? I see some flaws in your logic.

  @Renaldo-MoonGreen  from Pennsylvania  commented…5mos5MO

Expert LGBT Adoption Rights

Wtf are you yapping about? Trans people are not lunatics and try updating your terminology from "transvestite."

Also look up family in any dictionary. Fun fact the Bibles not a dictionary, its a holy book.

 @994HTZCIndependent from Illinois  disagreed…6mos6MO

#1 Expert LGBT Adoption Rights

Yes they might statistically have more stable families but it's just best that children have a mom and dad parent structure because it's just simply better for their mental health.

 @9NHNZLW from Ohio  agreed…9mos9MO

Not sure however they should have the same chances as a straight couple to adopt.


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