Try the political quiz

6 Replies

  @GloopdevIndependent from Massachusetts disagreed…1mo1MO

Science does not factually determine when personhood begins, that is inherently a moral question which derives its answer from philosophical & theological pursuits. Life most definitely begins at fertilization from a scientific perspective, so abortion should be regulated by your logic. Saying that your beliefs should not be enforced comes from a place of moral uncertainty (or slothfulness). If you believe something to be true, is it not reasonable to enforce this? For example, if I am opposed to slavery, it is not only my right to end it but also my duty to end it. If you recognize abortion as evil and refuse to attempt to stop it, you are allowing libertarian ethics to interfere with what you know is good and righteous.

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…4 days4D

Libertarian ethics properly applied would be Pro-Life, by the way. Libertarians believe in non-aggression. Abortion is certainly aggression.

 @Dry550Independent  from Illinois commented…3mos3MO

Life doesn’t begin until you’re outside the womb, would you be willing to raise the fetus’ that would be aborted? Most people who are on the pro life side of this seem to care more about a fetus than the actual baby once it’s born. These the same people who would shame a single mother for raising a bastard child when they don’t know the full story and should keep to themselves…so on that last part, we can agree in earnest.

 @8WM5VVQ from Oklahoma commented…2yrs2Y

Science has concluded that life begins at conception. I would accept the libertarian argument to let each person make their own decision regarding this issue if the same standard was applied to other issues by the left. The same people advocating for COVID vax and mask mandates argue that its not the governments position to rule on abortion. I believe this statement would be true if the idea of power to the individual was applied everywhere else. Unfortunately, its not so that's why I disagree with your statement.


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