No, lift the travel embargo but do not allow trade until Cuba becomes a democratic republic

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 @9C69K68 from Georgia answered…1yr1Y

No, lift the travel,food and medicine embargo but do not allow economic trade until Cuba becomes a non-communist free society.

 @9G9C49K from North Carolina answered…9mos9MO

Yes, but regulate any money exchanged from trade and tourism to ensure it isn’t put towards the Cuban government’s repressive practices

 @5DK2YDRfrom Maryland answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, and it should have been done years ago. We should have had a McDonalds in Havana the day after the Russians cut off foreign aid to them. There is no argument for not doing so...if we can overlook the human rights violations of China, our largest trading partner, we can do so with Cuba. Cuba represents a new market for American products and services, which is good for our economy. Further isolationism will gain nothing (how's that working out with North Korea?).

 @598KZPHfrom Texas answered…4yrs4Y

That is because Obama is stupid. Cuba did their own thing and wanted to be on their own. Let them suffer and fail until they realize they need us and decide to become part of the USA as a state. In turn, we can enforce the same laws and so forth over there as here and build a base there.

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