Yes, provide safe spaces but students do not need trigger warnings
No, college is meant to challenge students thoughts and opinions so they are prepared for real life
Yes, provide trigger warnings but students do not need safe spaces

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 @8K2963Z from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, a safe space should be provided for students who may have a condition/conditions and need it to excel in their studies, and there should be trigger warnings for those with trauma/PTSD.

 @5ZWM3XGfrom Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

Every safe space should have a marine corps drill instructor in it to make sure they are safe

 @8M2N46D from Missouri answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but it should be up to the university: it shouldn't be enforced by the government.

 @8XLR4JX  from North Carolina answered…10mos10MO

Absolutely for trigger warnings. Safe spaces should be reserved for those with mental health triggers or those threatened by potential physical violence such as a nurse’s office or guidance counselor.

 @9G9C49K from North Carolina answered…9mos9MO

Absolutely for trigger warnings. Safe spaces should be limited to a nurse or guidance counselor’s office for students suffering mental health episodes or in clear physical danger or distress

 @uhrickallisonfrom New Jersey answered…4yrs4Y