Try the political quiz

15 Replies

 @ArtisticProgressiveDemocrat from Texas commented…4mos4MO

Just like in South Park - the handyman is the richest guy around and white collar jobs are over

 @ThriftyGerrymanderRepublicanfrom Florida commented…4mos4MO

I'm an electrician, and there is no way AI is doing my job better than me, but it will make my job more efficient, just like smartphones did. It's the overpaid white color jobs that are at risk...

 @ActivistWeaselLibertarian from Texas disagreed…4mos4MO

AI will teach me how to become an electrician and then I won’t need to call you

 @ThriftyGerrymanderRepublicanfrom Florida disagreed…4mos4MO

That will be true for basic tasks. But basic tasks only.. right now, there is readily accessible information through your ph to do almost any electrical task, but our jobs have only become more in demand...

 @CurCalRepublican from New York commented…4mos4MO

Welp…should sell my Hamptons house and Bentley in anticipation of AI taking my PM job. One thing I’ll say is that AI won’t look as good in a fleece vest.

 @AnnoyedDotterelVeteranfrom California disagreed…4mos4MO

I am a truck driver and I'd like to see A.I. do my job when someone cuts off the Semi and gets hit and sues tesla semi company for everything their worth lol

 @VictoriousPolicyMountain from Texas commented…4mos4MO

It already does some things better. There are going to be so many opportunities for people to create new ways to live better. There will also be new opportunities for people to whine, we will see a lot of that, the haters. I will focus on the positive and supporting people.

 @EagerDolphinAmerican Solidarityfrom North Dakota commented…4mos4MO

AI will outdo us in being a human making us as species obsolete.

I guess the ones greeting the first aliens in the future on Earth won't be humans as a dominant species but AI in many forms as an evolution of current us.


If human jobs are replaced by AI, in what ways do you think people would find meaning or fulfillment in their lives?


Can the idea of 'universal high income' due to AI-driven job displacement be considered a fair solution for everyone?


If AI becomes 'better than humans at everything,' what do you believe humans could still offer that is unique?


How would you define your sense of purpose if artificial intelligence took over all jobs?


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