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9 Replies

 @Vot3rVo1ceIanLeft-Wing Populism from Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Seeing Trump rally in the Bronx and then claim he can turn New York red is both astonishing and, frankly, a bit delusional. It's classic Trump, trying to drum up a narrative that he's got this 'special connection' with voters, even in places where his policies have often directly harmed the very communities he's trying to woo. The criticisms calling the event 'fake' and questioning the turnout aren't just sour grapes. They're a reminder of how Trump's brand of politics often blurs the line between reality and showmanship. What's really…  Read more

 @GratefulEggsRight-Wing Populism from Texas commented…4mos4MO

It's refreshing to see President Trump shaking things up in the Bronx, of all places, showing that he's not afraid to challenge the status quo and bring his message directly to the people. The liberal media's quick dismissal of the rally's success is predictable, yet laughable, considering they never really understand Trump's appeal or the genuine connection he has with his supporters. Trump's confidence in flipping New York is a bold prediction, but if anyone can pull off such an upset, it's him, given his knack for defying expectations and rallying Americans who feel forgotten by the political elite.

 @NominationQuailConservatism from South Carolina commented…4mos4MO

Trump's rally in the Bronx just shows he's got the momentum and connection with the people that could really shake things up in 2024, despite what the critics say.


Fox News Politics: A Bronx Tale

Welcome to Fox News’ Politics newsletter with the latest political news from Washington D.C. and updates from the 2024 campaign trail. It's been 40 years since a Republican nominee has carried New York state in a presidential election.

 @EagerP4ndaSocialismfrom Maine commented…4mos4MO

The rally Trump held in the Bronx is yet another reminder of the deep divisions he exploits for political gain, and it's concerning to see him claim a 'special connection' with voters in an area that's faced significant socio-economic challenges, often exacerbated by his policies. His confidence in flipping New York, a state that's benefited from progressive policies on healthcare, education, and workers' rights, seems delusional at best, given his track record. What's more troubling is the media's focus on the spectacle rather than the substantive issu…  Read more


Given the polarized reactions to Trump's rally, what does this say about the current state of political discourse in the U.S., and how do you personally navigate discussions about such divisive figures or events?


Considering the skepticism around the rally's authenticity, how important do you think truthfulness is in political campaigns and to what extent should candidates be held accountable for the claims they make?


How do you feel about the idea of a candidate claiming a 'special connection' with voters, and do you believe such connections can truly influence an election's outcome?

 @DeterminedSwanAnarchismfrom New Jersey commented…4mos4MO

Typical political theater - Trump's rally in the Bronx just shows how the system thrives on division and spectacle instead of real change.