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209 Replies

  @LucidLibertarian  from Oregon answered…2mos2MO

No, but non-government organizations should be involved for oversight and report unethical and abusive use of AI both to the government and to the public for accountability reasons. Government obviously cannot be trusted to determine and adhere to what is considered ethical.

 @9MNKM6BIndependent from Texas answered…2mos2MO

Yes, people should be protected from AI. People who use AI to create sexual videos with people without their consent should be criminally charged. AI shouldn't be used for choosing people for jobs either because the AI could be biased from given data or the AI could be tricked or fail to choose suitable people. I also think AI art should be regulated where the AI art must say it's AI-produced right on the image and that the human doesn't own it since it's stealing other people's art in the process.

 @9R8SQN2 from Mississippi answered…5 days5D

The government does know what ethical means. But, there should be some sort of committee that changes over alot to help over look the ethics.

 @9MSX2D9 from New Jersey answered…2mos2MO

No, I don’t trust the government to regulate artificial intelligence (AI) to ensure ethical use

 @9MNQBVF from Minnesota answered…2mos2MO

Yes but not to limit data but to make sure people can't find ways to make thing such as nuclear bombs and stuff

 @9RDHCNZ from Iowa answered…4 days4D

It should go after people who use it to defraud or hurt vulnerable people rather than the companies that make it possible, we don't jail writers if they inspire a murder in real life.

 @9RDFLMP from Maryland answered…4 days4D

the government hardly regulates anything as it is, but AI is too dangerous as implemented by anyone.

 @9RDFGMC from Ohio answered…4 days4D

It’s too early to tell. I would rather see them put more emphasis on social media regulation right now.

 @9RDF6B5 from Wisconsin answered…4 days4D

It wholly depends on the situation and use. I do think some kind of regulation should be in place, but the lack of precedence makes it hard to determine what kind.

 @9RDDSGCCommunist  from Florida answered…4 days4D

No, it is impossible to control or ban mathematics; this has been demonstrated with cryptography. Significant regulation would simply create a monopoly for large existing corporations, such as OpenAI, Microsoft, and Google.

 @9RDDBQF from Connecticut answered…4 days4D

Yes but keep the regulations to a minimum and allow the field to prosper and develop without too much restriction.

 @9RD8VWHDemocrat from New York answered…4 days4D

Yes by enforcing a print left on dupes and soundbites so children do not fall in the traps of predators or so we think our president has made an address that was false

 @9RD8GR3Peace and Freedom from Texas answered…4 days4D

I don't think the government would do a good job at regulating ethics, given their record. I think it should be done by a qualified, vetted 3rd party organization with multiple experts and that their evaluations & reports should be made public. The public should also have the opportunity to vote on what matters to them most ethically also.

 @9RD4W5Gfrom Washington answered…4 days4D

AI is relatively irrelevant, however we should use put the current copyright framework already in place to work.

 @9RD2CDZIndependent from Wyoming answered…4 days4D

No, the government over the last 2 decades has proven time and again that ethics only matter when within ideological scope of the majority party. This would mean that what was legal one year could be potentially illegal a few years later.

 @9RCBPDT from Missouri answered…4 days4D

Somewhat. We need to be cautious to not overly stifle innovation, nor create a closed system where only the trillion dollar companies can compete.

 @9RC7L3M from New York answered…4 days4D

while there should be laws regarding copyrighted materials being used to train datasets and to protect workers from being replaced with barely functional AI, the AI boom will fizzle out on its own like NFTs when it's revealed that it's generally not applicable to most fields.

 @9RC63YF from New York answered…4 days4D

No, the government is full of ancient white guys literally half a foot from the grave who have no idea how to regulate AI and don’t listen to experts.

 @9RC4KXP from Pennsylvania answered…4 days4D

yes but The only item of artificial intelligence that should be regulated is awarness of what is AI and what is not AI. Disclaimers and also licenses around information used to train AI should also be provided and accounted for.

 @9RC3RPK from North Carolina answered…4 days4D

Yes, any technology equipped with AI should be devoid of any property right protection. Sub-property. All violence against it allowed

 @9RBYKN7 from Louisiana answered…4 days4D

No. AI is potentially problematic but I don’t trust the government with determining what ethical use is.

 @9RBY5ZC from Wisconsin answered…4 days4D

No, but there should be harsh punishments for those who use this technology to defame other people - e.g., deep-fake pornography, deep-fake political speeches, etc..

 @9RBPY46 from Utah answered…5 days5D

Yes, but only if they can keep up with the advancements and make policies fast enough to be both relevant and helpful.

 @9RBKB9N from Georgia answered…5 days5D

I think limitations on AI are important but I do not trust the government with making certain decisions for the people.

 @9RB5VHR from Colorado answered…5 days5D

I think science is doing something because they can without thinking about of they should. And they shouldn't.

 @9R9X22X from Texas answered…5 days5D

The government shouldn’t be able to fully control AI but there are some situations where like deepfakes and stealing artworks, then that should be regulated.

 @9R8YNSQ from California answered…5 days5D

Government should work with reaserchers to constantly evolve on this issue. You cannot take a hard stance any which way because the tech is so novel

 @9R8YJNZ from Florida answered…5 days5D

There should be regulations in art, music and the replication of content or production of profits from plagiarized material.

 @9R8WWDL from New York answered…5 days5D

AI should be a tool to support human creativity, not replace it. We must not over-rely on it or use it unethically. AI should never steal or replicate someone's likeness without consent and fair compensation. Let's ensure AI enhances our efforts without compromising individual rights.

 @9R8HYS3Republican from Massachusetts answered…5 days5D

If it’s for creativity, then it’s infringing on copyright. But other than just for personal use, I’d rather have it not regulated even though it is quite concerning.

 @9R8H8TZ from Tennessee answered…5 days5D

AI should not be used. Government should not have control, but neither should private parties. It should be treated with extreme caution.

 @9R8GDMH from Pennsylvania answered…5 days5D

There should be limitations on corporations as they are not individuals and therefore do not receive the same freedoms as American citizens

 @9R7Z3SR from Georgia answered…5 days5D

The government isn’t usually able to move quickly but there should be some kind of regulatory body or organization

 @9R7WKCS from California answered…5 days5D

We don’t want the government nor people to use ai. This will secure other people from being victims of fake news or fake videos made of them.

 @9R7VNPP from Georgia answered…5 days5D

The government can not be trusted to regulate artificial intelligence while they actively use it for corporate interests

 @9R7M9H2 from North Carolina answered…5 days5D

I disagree with most things that stipulate "ethical use," as that is highly subjective. I do believe that regulation should be put into place, but specifics matter.

 @9R7LZX8 from Illinois answered…5 days5D

This question presupposes that ethical use is an agreed upon principle so I would say that’s a no from me dawg

 @9R7FY39Libertarian from New York answered…5 days5D

Political campaigns should not be able to utilize AI to generate voices or propaganda artwork. AI should be regulated so as to not steal the talent of people who perform voice acting as their source of income.

 @9R79S8P from Tennessee answered…5 days5D

No. The government should not have the final say of ethics if it inherently does not understand technology.

 @9R6XGRJ from Colorado answered…6 days6D

AI when used as a proper tool to better society is a great thing, but AI for the sake of being lazy and stealing art is disgusting at best and harmful at worst and should be treated as such.

 @9R6MYHN from Rhode Island answered…6 days6D

Government regulation would be unfair. The government should contract knowledgeable parties to regulate the technology.

 @9R5Y9MN from California answered…6 days6D

It's too new to know for certain what should be done. Have to let it continue to grow and see where the tide goes.

 @9R5K8KZIndependent from Arizona answered…6 days6D

There needs to be more than the government monitoring. Also additional monitoring to keep everyone in check.

 @9R5D477 from North Carolina answered…7 days7D

The government should have some part, or at least support, developing counter-AI technology (i.e. programs that would detect AI writing, AI imagery, etc.)

 @9R5D3NL from Virginia answered…7 days7D

I think that as long as AI is not used for any vicious crimes, or not putting innocent people's lives in danger government shouldn't be required to regulate.

 @9R5838Y from Washington answered…7 days7D

Yes, but the people of the U.S should be educated and aware of what could happen if AI is taken to far.

 @9R573SH from Pennsylvania answered…1wk1W

There is a difference between using AI scientifically and artistically. If the data that the model is trained on is from other artists, the output is a derivative of that art. Therefore, sanctions are important on AI artistically. However, the argument that AI is stealing work from artists is nebulous. The output is a mix of ALL the data, not just a singular artist. How would reparations to those artists be dealt with if we aren't aware of the scales between artists in the dataset.

 @9R56QYTfrom Maine answered…1wk1W

The Government ought to treat it as any speech platform. Meaning ai usage illegally can and should be punished, but you can’t regulate it too much, same with speech.


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