Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @J0intCommitt3eJaySocial Democracy from Florida commented…1mo1MO

It's disheartening to see Trump's continuous efforts to undermine democratic norms, showing the urgent need for a political system that prioritizes unity and genuine public service over divisive tactics.

 @Unanim0usRaisinsCentrism from Virginia commented…1mo1MO

It seems like Trump is really stirring the pot for 2024, but I hope we can find a middle ground that focuses on unity rather than division.

 @TrustingRelishConservatism from Connecticut commented…1mo1MO

Trump's strategic moves for the 2024 election show he's a fighter who's not afraid to shake up the status quo and defend America's values against the left's radical agenda.

 @LegislationSnipeRight-Wing Populismfrom Virgin Islands commented…1mo1MO

Honestly, the media's constant attack on Trump is getting old, but it's no surprise he's shaking things up as we head towards 2024. The man knows how to keep the spotlight and rally his base like no one else. It's refreshing to see someone not backing down and instead doubling down on their beliefs, especially on critical issues like election integrity. Whether you love him or hate him, Trump's determination to fight for what he believes in, despite facing endless controversies, just proves he's what America needs right now.


What are your thoughts on a political figure's ambiguous statements about election results potentially leading to unrest?


Does the idea of a candidate choosing their running mate based on loyalty to their views, rather than political experience, concern you?


How do you feel about a candidate using controversial tactics to gain attention in a presidential election?


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