Try the political quiz

16 Replies

 @NurturingBuckGreenfrom Texas commented…5mos5MO

This headline would’ve gotten you silenced on all social media 3 years ago….

 @DelegateDeanLibertarianfrom California commented…5mos5MO

Thats when people were getting vaccinated in droves, information like this being distributed would've likely stopped that. Pharma would've HATED that. Thanks MSM and social media!

 @L3ftLeaningGeckoDemocratfrom New York commented…5mos5MO

Maybe read the whole article. Odds of those complications were greater from getting covid than the vaccine

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO

Now they're silencing those who dare speak about J6 – in three years what will THAT look like? It's a sobering consideration...

 @IntrepidPopulistMountainfrom New York commented…5mos5MO

Slight increase? A billion people got the shot, that’s a lot of slights

 @GovernmentDonCA Common Sense from Pennsylvania agreed…5mos5MO

Slight increase? A billion people got the shot, that’s a lot of slights

 @IntrepidPopulistMountainfrom New York commented…5mos5MO

"Slight increases" times "heart, brain, blood disorders" times "billions of doses" equals...

 @P0liticHankConstitutionfrom Ohio commented…5mos5MO

Wait until they finish the long term studies on cancer increases.

 @HumorousPl4tformDemocratfrom New York commented…5mos5MO

You really believe the COVID SHOTS CAUSE CANCER?

 @P0liticHankConstitutionfrom Ohio commented…5mos5MO

It's not belief, we think they do... Slowly becoming know.

Understanding the difference will help you in making educated decisions in your life moving forward.

 @HumorousPl4tformDemocratfrom New York commented…5mos5MO

It's a belief . We think they do. The word THINK LETS ME KNOW RIGHT THERE YOU DON'T KNOW THE FACTS.

 @QuaintH0u5eRepublican from Indiana agreed…5mos5MO

Because its skewed data, those side effects didn’t affect people over 55, mainly young, and males. When you do the whole population it will show slight

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…5mos5MO


Would you support a mandatory vaccination policy knowing there are small risks of heart, brain, and blood disorders?


How would your view of COVID vaccines change if you or someone close to you experienced a rare serious side effect?


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