Try the political quiz

75 Replies


The United States is a country where any religion is allowed and citizens can freely practice those religions, so the government should not be connected to any particular religion, but rather be a faith in the country itself, rather than a higher being, nor should it be legally forced.

 @9H7VJH8 from Pennsylvania answered…8mos8MO

yes, religion was man-made and inserted false narratives about 'God"and thy Devil into your collective conscience. your government has zero right to manipulate individuals into thinking they must follow a bible or praise a MAN MADE jesus christ. we are connected and protected, by universal love.

 @9GVVMKS  from Florida answered…8mos8MO

Yes their shouold be less governemtn involvment in religion its a free country and you shouold be able to believe in what you want to believe in.

 @9H785TX from Pennsylvania answered…8mos8MO

Religion and government need to be two totally separate things

  @TruthHurts101 from Washington commented…8mos8MO

I couldn't disagree more completely. When the founding fathers separated church and state, they meant the state should not control the church not that the church should not control the state. Government will inevitably promote some form of moral agenda or religion – and let's face it, secularism is a faith-based belief in evolution, making it a religion – and why not push Christianity, which has proved most conducive to the liberties and happiness of a free people. PS: Before you attack me with talk of the "crusades" let me remind you that these were wars of self-defence against aggressive Islamists.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

Nice try, but even the first amendment proves your initial argument wrong. Separation of church and state is incredibly good and important in keeping religion away from any kind of public legislation, because enforcing religious laws or values onto others is bad and wrong. Governments and law should always be exclusively secular.

Secondly, don't project your own belief's lack of evidence onto everyone else. Atheism, which you seem to have conflated with secularism, does not rely on faith to understand the objective reality of things like evolution or the age of the earth (without the…  Read more

  @Patriot-#1776Constitution from Washington commented…8mos8MO

Christianity offers the only rational explanation for the Laws of Logic. Without an omnipotent, omniscient, omnipresent, all-powerful one true God to create the Universe, there could be no exception-less, universal logical laws as we see in the universe today. The atheist believes that nothing exists beyond the physical – there is no spiritual world or anything like that. But, I would then ask, are the Laws of Logic physical entities that we can see and touch? No. Therefore atheists who are using the Laws of Logic to argue against Creation are inadvertently proving that it's true, because, in their worldview, if it was consistent, they wouldn't be able to reason at all. They have to borrow from the theistic worldview in order to argue against it, which creates an absurdity. I await your response.

  @VulcanMan6  from Kansas disagreed…8mos8MO

I assume you are referring to the Laws of Identity, Non-Contradiction, and Excluded Middle, right? Those "Laws of Logic"? I ask because your argument that these require a god, or even a religion/spirituality, makes no sense. We made up these laws of logic when we made up language and communication. Without our sentient interpretation of the universe, assigning meaning to the world around us, the universe has no objective "logic" to begin with. The universe simply exists whether or not we were ever here to even come up with the word "existing". Logic only exists…  Read more

 @9H784MX from Nevada answered…8mos8MO

Government has no business being involved in religion, outside of regulation of criminal activity.

 @9H8YC65 from Missouri answered…8mos8MO

the church and state should be seperated, otherwise churches might get corrupted more than they already are

 @9H8NMPGCommunist from Washington answered…8mos8MO

I think it would. People don't have to worry about an uneven power-balance of religions if the government is neutral and agnostic.

 @9H7XKRF from Iowa answered…8mos8MO

Depends, now on the basics of enforcement of laws barring the church from influencing the government yes, and the separation of state and church should remain in enforced.

 @9H8GXG2 from Texas answered…8mos8MO

Yes separate church and state. This isn’t the Papal States or the monarchy of Saudi Arabia. We are a society built on many different traditions and cultures. Not one needs to be more important than the other in any government interests.

 @9H8YMGS from New York answered…8mos8MO

Society would absolutely be more harmonious with less religious involvement. Keep the government religiously neutral. Religion is a catalyst for many problems in our society that have no potential of being solved.

 @9DHRKZYDemocrat  from Pennsylvania answered…8mos8MO

Without a doubt. A strict separation of church and state, which I think is being dangerously trampeled on, is absolutely vital for a healthy and free society.

 @9H7NTST from Arkansas answered…8mos8MO

 @9H8HMCL from California answered…8mos8MO

Yes because it is something that is personal and shouldnt involve large government organizations.

 @9H7CMVL from Michigan answered…8mos8MO

 @9H7XPHMRepublican from Georgia answered…8mos8MO

 @9H79CQ9 from Indiana answered…8mos8MO

Yes, governments should only protect the right to choose your own, and not harrasing others for thier choices


I believe so especially since I am not a religious person, As much as people rely on religion, I find it quite hard to believe that a floating man in the sky is responsible for all creation the way many of the mainstream religions say so.

 @9H78DCD from Texas answered…8mos8MO

 @9H7BZ4L  from Alabama answered…8mos8MO

No, our government was founded on Judeo-Christian values and we shouldn't ignore them now when our country is only becoming more divided. We need to have shared morals from which to build a harmonious society.

  @8RQ55J4  from Nebraska answered…8mos8MO

 @9H7PYM8Democrat from Kentucky answered…8mos8MO

 @9D77WV4  from California answered…8mos8MO

Yes, governments should in general strive to be secular, though individual lawmakers are more than welcome to follow whichever religions they please and may use that in speeches and statements and so forth.

 @GenX-gdi  from Florida answered…8mos8MO

We already have that. Doesn’t seem to be working very well. God should never have been removed from the public square. Secularism has led to tribalism because human beings all need to know they have an identity and if that identity does not come from the God of the Bible, they form identity groups (tribes) to compensate.

 @9H7DDSS from Arkansas answered…8mos8MO

No Government religion, our beliefs affect our choices. Religion is between the individual and God, keep it that way.

 @9H769GLWomen’s Equality from Washington answered…8mos8MO

Yes. Especially in the United States as the U.S. has so many religions in it. If they were to include religion--which they already do--it causes problems and tensions for religious minorities.

 @9H76579 from Washington answered…8mos8MO

Hard topic honestly, I believe the government shouldn't be making 1 religion stand above all others or a select few stand above all others but if we go free ball then there could be a lot of "religions" that are based around sacrificing and **** so like
I dont want the church of anywhere to receive special good boy benefits from the government but I dont want it so hands off that if somethings really really **** ed up theres nothing that can be done

 @9H84QPB from Nevada answered…8mos8MO

Yes as often when government controls religion it becomes a almost fascist state


Yes, having a separation of church and state is perfect for our country. Also according to the first amendment estabishment clause it clearly outlines that having a govenrment enforced religion is prohibited.

 @9H788YLAmerican Solidarity from New Jersey answered…8mos8MO

No, society has becoming increasing immoral and violent as government and religion have been separated. Everson v. Board of Education and all other Supreme Court precedents which apply the Establishment Clause to state and local governments should be overturned

 @9H7BV2K from Michigan answered…8mos8MO

Absolutely, religion and religious institutions should not be involved in politics.

 @9H7BPDSGreen from Massachusetts answered…8mos8MO


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