Should the government continue to fund Planned Parenthood?
No, and the government should not give funds to any organizations that perform abortions
Abortions are NOT only used because an individual does not want a child. They are often a medically necessary procedure. To kill a grown adult in the hopes of saving what is basically a slightly developed egg is ridiculous. Abortion is a basic human right. To take away abortion is at the same level of taking peoples ability to get a flu shot away. Its basic human rights. By taking it away will greatly increase the amount of dangerous, self-performed procedures. This is one step further towards the complete devolution of the U.S. to a tyrannical dictatorship. Abortion is a right, not one that religion nor peoples own selfish beliefs can take away. It is not the governments decision, its the people who are effected by the pregnancy decision, only the one carrying the child can make the decision whether or not to deletus the fetus.
@9GN7FJ3Republican 1yr1Y
Statistically speaking, the vast majority of abortions are not cases of medical necessity. All humans, including those not yet born, have the same rights. In the Declaration of Independence, Thomas Jefferson wrote, "We hold these truths to be self-evident that all men are created equal." This is the clear founding doctrine of our nation. Scientifically speaking, almost all scientists recognize that life begins at conception, making it a person with rights, not a slightly developed egg. The right of a child to live is a human right, a woman being able to eliminate a human life for… Read more
I agree with this statement entirely. Abortions should absolutely be legal and are a basic human right. When there is an adult life in danger, it is never right to save an unborn fetus that doesn't even know of its own existence. The bible is a terrible way to make beliefs about the real world. The bible is an old book. That is the reason we have a secular government, and our laws should be absolutely forbidden from following anything from that book.
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