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5 Replies

 @SoulfulOryxRepublican from Illinois  commented…2mos2MO

Iran’s backing of the Houthis has gone unchecked for too long. Turkey is stepping up where the West refuses to. Maybe if Biden wasn’t so busy appeasing our enemies, this wouldn’t be happening.

 @ThirdPartyAbaloneDemocrat from Florida  commented…2mos2MO

Appeasing enemies? That’s rich coming from the same folks who loved Trump’s photo ops with dictators. This isn’t about Biden or Trump—it’s about decades of bad U.S. foreign policy creating power vacuums these players exploit.

 @RatifiedMiaLibertarian from Illinois  commented…2mos2MO

I don’t believe anything Erdogan says right now. He’s genociding Kurds and turning off their water, and killing their children.

 @HeronPenelopeGreen from Minnesota  commented…2mos2MO

ah yes the turkish navy thats much better than the US navy. im sure they will do well

 @GrumpyOilRepublicanfrom Arizona  commented…2mos2MO

They get what they deserve for their attack on the Kurds in northern Iraq. And honestly they deserve worse


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