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521 Replies

 @9M4G5FW from Maryland answered…3mos3MO

Yes, except for harmless refugees from persecution, and deport immigrants who incite hate or terrorism

 @Paculino from North Carolina commented…4wks4W


I'm afraid of the effects of deportation. They will likely have less legal opposition to encouraging violence if going to somewhere with low stability, which will likely make the problem worse. It may be a more distant problem then, but it is a problem that is bigger and more difficult to control.

 @9GN5KWP from North Carolina answered…9mos9MO

No, but they should be kept somewhere safe like a migrant-specific shelter with all basic necessities provided until they’re thoroughly screened and cleared

  @9GSFFG2 from Massachusetts answered…9mos9MO

No, but increase background checks for immigrants coming from countries with totalitarian governments or high crime rates.

 @9QRZ2Y3 from Maryland answered…3wks3W

No but all immigrants regardless of where they are from should undergo security screenings and checks.

 @9GQFBJM from Massachusetts answered…9mos9MO

No, but there should be a deeper vetting of visas and those entering from that country to prevent potential terrorists from entering the country

 @9RCL3NW from Massachusetts answered…4 days4D

Only if there have been recent events that cause this or the government having information of anti-us movements in these countries

 @9R9JMJF from Florida answered…5 days5D

I think there should be a probationary process if they aren't banned outright. This is probably unwieldy though.

 @9R8KY56 from Texas answered…5 days5D

Depends on the nation; realistically depends on the amount of terrorist organizations and estimated recruitment strength

 @9R7VS6T from Indiana answered…5 days5D

No, preventing immigrants from entering the country based on original risk introduces potential racial/national discrimination.

 @9R7T3J5 from New Jersey answered…5 days5D

This is a slippery slope that tends to support racist ideal and hate crimes against minorities - they need to implement better background checks period, regardless of the country they're coming from. Extremists don't just come from 'high risk countries' as we've had plenty of white American domestic terrorists.

 @9R7JFJCDemocrat from Missouri answered…5 days5D

No, citizens from high risk countries should be allowed asylum if their country is currently undergoing political turmoil

 @9R7BY3B from Texas answered…5 days5D

No, we have more Americans killing Americans than we do people from foreign countries killing Americans.

 @9R73H59 from Kansas answered…6 days6D

no, but keep a closer eye on the statistics of people in these groups until a process can be worked out.

 @9R6QPQD from Ohio answered…6 days6D

Set a limit for how many immigrants/ refugees can arrive in the US per year, until the screening process is thoroughly enhanced.

 @9R4R83Q from Florida answered…1wk1W

No, this is discriminatory. Instead the government should monitor every single immigrant for safety reasons regardless if they are from a high risk country or not

  @floradora  from Nevada answered…1wk1W

How does the government define "terrorist"? I would say No because I don't trust the government's ability to identify terrorists effectively.

 @9QZVRS5 from Pennsylvania answered…1wk1W

Terrorists can just be picked out. There's no real way of knowing other than intense interviews. Letting them know when entering the country that if any act of terrorism is to happen and they are affiliated, it will be an instant deportation and removal or visa, citizenship, etc. Scare them in necessary, just stop killing for no reason. So many innocent immigrants get accused of being Terrorists. It's disgusting that we as a nation supposed to be ONE are the first to want to divide our nation. America was founded by migrants. Taken by migrants. There shouldn't be a fear of it happening again, not if the government actually cared about the nation and it's people. INCLUDING MIGRANTS that come into the country. Especially those seeking refuge.

 @9QTWJH7 from Colorado answered…2wks2W

No, there should not be a ban. But it should be a priority and decisions made erred on the side of caution

 @9QTSPVV from Florida answered…2wks2W

Increase scanning of immigrants as best as we can now and continue to improve into the future and coordinate with intelligence services to properly ID threats to the nation

 @9QSVLD3 from California answered…3wks3W

I don't want possible terrorists entering the country but I believe most people leaving their high risk countries to come here are most likely trying to escape danger from their home country and waiting for the country to improve our screening abilities may take too long.

 @9QST293Libertarian from Missouri answered…3wks3W

No, but the screening process needs to be improved quickly and it should be stricter for high risk countries.

 @9QRK9NYIndependent from New Mexico answered…3wks3W

No, but individuals from high-risk countries should have a designated shelter with basic needs where they can stay until they have been screened and cleared.

 @3H6X5RQLibertarian answered…3wks3W

No, but the US immigrations system needs a complete and total overhaul, and better checks should be included in the changes.

 @9QRBLNP from Illinois answered…3wks3W

Yes and No, there's only 2 types of people leaving the high risk country: the innocent looking for freedom and peace, or the terrorist

 @9QQWNWMRepublican from New Mexico answered…3wks3W

All Illegal Immigrants should be deported and go through the proper channels/processes to seek legal immigration.

 @9QB882Q from Maryland answered…3wks3W

Yes, except for harmless refugees from from persecution, and deport immigrants who incite hatred and terrorism

 @9Q8G859Transhumanistfrom Washington answered…3wks3W

No, but they should be subject to more in-depth screening and background checks than those not from high risk countries.

 @8XLR4JXDemocrat  from North Carolina answered…3wks3W

Not banned, but they should be kept somewhere safe outside the country with all basic necessities provided until their background check is completed

 @9PYD49J from Ohio answered…4wks4W

Hold them in civil, humanitarian conditions at the border till they individually are assessed for background and record.

 @9PYCC5J from Michigan answered…4wks4W

People seeking to enter from high-risk countries should be subject to extra screening before being granted entry.

 @9PY48SM from Texas answered…4wks4W

improve the gov't efficiency in checking these people out, it should take that long, a day or two, not months/years etc

 @9PXH8VK from Kansas answered…4wks4W

improves its ability to screen out potential terrorists!!!!!! If we confirm they are not criminals or known terrorist give them a visa and allow them to start becoming a citizen should they wish.

 @9PW9X5MIndependent from West Virginia answered…4wks4W

No, but they should be screened at a larger extent to prevent any potential collaboration with terrorist organizations

 @9PVYPJQ from Massachusetts answered…4wks4W

No but add more regulations and increase background checks for immigrants coming from countries with terrorist regimes.

 @9PTZCQ3 from Arkansas answered…4wks4W

As long as legal and vetted requirements are met. Screening technology and improvements to our processes should be at the highest priority.

 @9PT6LY3Democrat from North Carolina answered…1mo1MO

Not banned outright, but they should be kept out of the country and held somewhere safe until their background check is completed

 @9NF9B4MRepublican from Iowa answered…2mos2MO

No, but immigrants from countries deemed "high risk" by the US government should undergo a more thorough examination process. "High risk" countries should be determined by true national security risk, rather than as a proxy for religion.

 @Paculino  from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO


No, any terrorists are far more likely to be caught and prevented from causing harm in the USA than in high risk countries

 @9N7J99Gfrom Maine answered…2mos2MO

Yes unless the candidate has proved through documentation that he/she has large study-, work- or family-oriented reasons for entering.

 @9N295MR  from Nevada answered…2mos2MO

No, but a thorough background check & strict polygraph test would solve any potential terrorist from entering our Country.

 @9MZFB3Zfrom Northern Mariana Islands answered…2mos2MO

No, the idea of a "high risk country" is discriminatory and terrorists have largely come from countries we consider or allied

 @9MWCHVY from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

The government needs to find a way to speed up this system I believe immigrants should be throughly checked but there are people who are in countries who are dying and will die because the system is afraid they are terrorist when most likely not

 @9MW35WN from Florida answered…2mos2MO

Yes, but provide exemptions for prospective immigrants that have an American spouse, child, sibling, or parents.

 @9MTZNC4 from North Carolina answered…2mos2MO

Not banned necessarily, but they should be kept in a safe location like a migrant camp with all basic necessities provided until their background check is complete and they’re cleared to seek asylum or legal citizenship

 @9MNQKVR from Massachusetts answered…2mos2MO

If they can prove they are not terrorist, have never helped a terrorist, or provide information, then they can come.

 @9MBQZ8B from Kansas answered…3mos3MO

i think banned is a strong way to put it, they'll just be denied until we can further identify who they are

 @7ZGWLJF  from Washington answered…3mos3MO

No, but we should limit how many immigrants can enter the country and should prioritize children, the elderly, disabled, and women then men.


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