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 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...6yrs6Y


 @9NWYXPN from New Jersey agreed…2mos2MO

The death penalty is not only morally wrong, but execution is actually a more expensive process than life imprisonment.

 @9H4294R from Washington agreed…8mos8MO

1.16 million Americans are arrested annually for the sale, manufacture or possession of illegal substances.
Drug arrests including marijuana make up a total of 26% of all arrests in the U.S.
32,357 Americans are arrested annually for the sale and manufacture of marijuana.
317,793 Americans are arrested annually for possession of marijuana.
Seventy percent of prisoners released in 2012 were arrested again within five years, according to data from the Bureau of Justice Statistics (BJS).

 @9FRGTBR from South Carolina disagreed…10mos10MO

I think that drugs are very bad you should never do drugs under any circumstances don't even do it f your friend tells you to because you can get in trouble for it.

 @9G3ZPK6 from Idaho agreed…10mos10MO

not going to research this again but once i saw this university posted a study on how life was imprisoned and it was terrible, Almost 60 percent (i believe) of prisoners serving time for a drug charge where diagnosed with a SAD.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...6yrs6Y

No, I do not believe in the death penalty

 @95M9FF5from California disagreed…2yrs2Y

cause the death penalty is cool. only cool countries have it.

 @JovialDoveGreen from New Jersey disagreed…1yr1Y

While it's certainly true that some nations practice the death penalty, it's worth considering whether "coolness" should be a measure of a country's justice system. For instance, many European nations, famed for their high standards of living and progressive social policies, have abolished the death penalty. So, instead of viewing it as a measure of "coolness", might we not see the abolishment as a sign of advanced, humane, and compassionate justice systems? I'd love to hear your thoughts on this perspective.

 @9JLPJ3W from Michigan agreed…6mos6MO

We as human should not be able to decide on another right to live or die, death is not a punishment its a way out.

 @9J7TTP9 from Georgia agreed…6mos6MO

The death penalty is inhumane. It violates the right to life- the most important human right. Governments can release someone who was found to be not guilty who was sentenced to prison, but the death penalty can’t be reversed. Many governments use it to silence political opponents. Executing someone is revenge- it does t give justice to a victim and their loved ones. Every day, men, women, and even children (in some countries) wait for their execution. Even if they committed a heinous crime, they still deserve basic respect. Human rights apply to everyone, even the worst criminals.

 @9GD5DWFIndependent from California disagreed…9mos9MO

I believe that those who traffic drugs should be convicted with the death penalty because of the harm they cause to addicts and deaths.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...6yrs6Y


 @9FR5459 from Oregon disagreed…10mos10MO

Trafficking drugs does not relate directly to drug overdoses and does not constitute the death penalty

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...6yrs6Y

Yes, but only if there is proof someone died from the drugs they trafficked

 @9FRGTBR from South Carolina agreed…10mos10MO

there needs to be proof if something happens because if there is no proof then the suspect cannot be arrested.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...6yrs6Y

No, sentence them to life in prison without parole instead

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...6yrs6Y

Yes, as long as they are given a fair trial

 @9G3ZPK6 from Idaho disagreed…10mos10MO

I don't think the death penalty is ever just. Especially in a nonviolent crime. Someone who is convicted of drug trafficking is most likely somebody who is struggling and didn't have many options to make ends meet, I think a rehabilitation back into society or a strict long-term probation would be effective into getting these people back into society.

 @9FYNRM9 from Wisconsin disagreed…10mos10MO

Most drug trafficking penalties are already very high, so there really isn't ever a fair trial and fair penalty.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...6yrs6Y

Yes, but only if they are repeated offenders

 @9H4294R from Washington disagreed…8mos8MO

Repeat offenders are typically addicts, and in any case, we cannot allow an individual's mental health deterioration to condemn them to death. Some addicts are in fact veterans, those same veterans who committed themselves to sacrifice everything for our country and it is our duty to support them once they return. Not to mention we'd be sentencing potentially hundreds of thousands of people to death.

 @9J7TTP9 from Georgia disagreed…6mos6MO

The death penalty is immoral. It inflicts mental torment on those who fall victim too it, it disproportionately effects certain groups, it is expensive, and doesn’t help end crime.

 @8D7X8VBNew Liberty from Pennsylvania answered…4yrs4Y

No, but drugs should be legal and regulated like other substances (alcohol and Tabaco).

 @cryingleftist from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

Not necessarily, they should have the choice of life in prison or the death penalty.

 @8G6F94N from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

No, unless he/she has also committed violent crimes such as attempted murder, or first degree murder, or in any other way seriously injures someone as a result of doing

 @6R3G2YXfrom Colorado answered…4yrs4Y

No, and the death pendalty should be abolished because the legal system can be wrong.

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…1yr1Y

No, but increase prison sentences for traffickers of lethal street drugs

 @9NG3LM6Women’s Equalityfrom Montana answered…2mos2MO

They should just make murderers do time no bail money no nothing even if they get death penalty only for murderers

 @9L74FFC from North Carolina answered…4mos4MO

Yes, but only if they are also convicted of violent crimes or their trafficked drugs led to preventable deaths

 @9L4Z23BIndependent  from Pennsylvania answered…4mos4MO

No, but they should receive life sentences if someone ODs and dies using drugs they bought from the seller

 @9F4CXG5 from Washington answered…11mos11MO

No, I do not believe in the death penalty, and I think there needs to be a rigorous rehabilitation and reentry program so that people can get back to their lives and their families.

 @9DXJFQP from New Hampshire answered…11mos11MO

 @9D3RPBQfrom Guam answered…12mos12MO

No we should give them time to be rehabilitated, If not give them a life sentence and make them comfortable while they stay in there.

 @98LT9ZP from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

 @IanCearnaighProgressive from Michigan answered…2yrs2Y

For the drug related nature of anything, it would pose a potential sentencing guide reduction in time or augmentation up for selling these valuable goods but they must do good enough for the government testing of samples and for their own anonymous records keep the concentrations etc of their presses for example (meaning a pill shaped, usually generally in the die cast of a forgery of or style of the “penultimate class of drug representative” like how pressed morphine/diacetylmorphine(Heroin, Bayor), mannose, sufficient binding agents FDA good, and a standardized and tested for ‘proof’ (like in ethanol prohibition where shock inflammatory induction is proof of a 70-72.5% ethanol spirits batch. The fentanyl and it’s homologues should be consistent with that cotaken or listed via obsfucatory traffic

 @Nateobrien14 from West Virginia answered…2yrs2Y

No, all drugs need to become legal to buy sell and use because making something illegal makes it more dangerous.


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