Try the political quiz

32 Replies

 @5FJCR9Zfrom Tennessee answered…4yrs4Y

Yes- we should outlaw major war by declaring "The next country to invade another we will turn to glass within 24 hours of their aggression. As the leading superpower we will not tolerate war- and any organization acting on behalf of a country or claiming to- will reduce that country's population to zero. Again- we WILL NOT tolerate war any longer. The age of peace has finally come to the earth. Be productive, and TRADE. IF you decide to fight, we will kill you. Simple decision.

 @57697SGfrom Missouri answered…4yrs4Y

Ukraine needs to sort itself out, first. Once they have a legitimate government in place, then we can help them. As it stands, the only reason we are there is to protect corporate interests, particularly those of members of the current Presidential administration.

 @575Z7FZfrom New York answered…4yrs4Y

Engage in diplomatic talks to ease tensions and rehabilitate the region so that all stake holders walk away with something to gain. It also ensures that the people in this region are saved from more bloodshed, have their own voices heard and can move on.

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

Yes, we should provide them weapons to defend themselves but not send our troops

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, we should stay out of conflicts that do not directly threaten us

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

Yes, the Russian invasion of the Ukraine threatens the balance of power in the region

 @5759BSTfrom Michigan answered…4yrs4Y

 @5H4JKB2from Maine answered…4yrs4Y

No, and the US needs to honor the agreements made between Gorbechev and Reagan and stop agitating Russia for geopolitical reasons.

 @97GXRMHRepublican from VI commented…2yrs2Y

US. and UK., gave Ukraine a guarantee of protecting Ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity based on the 1991 borders that included Crimea and east Ukraine Luhansk and Donbass..

As of the result of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, US., gave Ukraine a guarantee that the US, stands now as a grantor of Ukraine sovereignty , becouse Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons and back then, Ukraine had the world's third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile !!

This guarantee was reconfirmed by United States when in 2009 released a statement that the memorandum's security assurances wou…  Read more

 @97GXRMHRepublican from VI commented…2yrs2Y

YOU SAY ; if NATO kept its well documented promise of not expanding eastward. !!! Well well well well based on that statement i can only conclude 1 of 2 things ..

1. You are lying and you know it spreading kremlin mythical deals and agreements that never happened.. !

2. You are ill informed and are getting your so called "facts " from Kremlin RT NEWS !

This is a myth pressed by Kremlin about the so called promised that NATO would not expand after the ColdWar

Ever agreement and decision made by NATO must be made in consensus and recorded filed and signed by ALL Nato member states…  Read more

 @amadiosfrom California answered…4yrs4Y

The UN Security Counsel should decide if the use of force is appropriate

 @ISIDEWITHDiscuss this answer...8yrs8Y

No, we should pursue diplomatic options instead

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, we should provide them weapons to defend themselves, but any usage of our troops should be coordinated with our NATO allies' troops through the United Nations

 @7YNGP9TIndependent from Pennsylvania answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but we should also pursue diplomatic options to bring this conflict to an end as quickly as possible to prevent as much loss of life as possible

 @7YNGP9TIndependent from Pennsylvania answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but we should also pursue every diplomatic option at our disposal to bring this conflict to an end as quickly as possible to prevent as much loss of life as possible

 @GuitarLord25Progressive from Vermont answered…2yrs2Y

We should move forward together as a globe with aggressive targeted sanctions to weaken the Russian offensive and end this war

  @7L8WQDLIndependent from Kentucky answered…3yrs3Y

No, we should pursue diplomatic options instead but if they still attack Ukraine then we will send them weapons

 @5VC4HYMRepublicanfrom Maryland answered…4yrs4Y

Yes but only when absolutely necessary and without being overly involved.

 @2DJKKJRepublican from Pennsylvania answered…4yrs4Y

No, but we should arm them with the weapons and technology to defend themselves.

 @9CCBK6Q from Georgia commented…1yr1Y

 @97GXRMHRepublican from VI commented…2yrs2Y

Russia’s war against Ukraine can be seen as a culmination of decades of Russian society poisoning itself with stories of foreign encirclement and mistreatment by the West. For more than two decades now, politicians and the state-run media have peddled external-threat scares, the West’s containment of Russia, and national grievances related to alienated territories and economic failures, the myth list is long and nasty and equally false, but thats for another day .

I want to look at one specific Kremlin-myth, the myth of Putin the absolute flawless and indefectible Russian strongman…  Read more

 @97GXRMHRepublican from VI commented…2yrs2Y

Russia’s war against Ukraine can be seen as a culmination of decades of Russian society poisoning itself with stories of foreign encirclement and mistreatment by the West. For more than two decades now, politicians and the state-run media have peddled external-threat scares, the West’s containment of Russia, and national grievances related to alienated territories and economic failures, the myth list is long and nasty and equally false, but thats for another day .

I want to look at one specific Kremlin-myth, the myth of Putin the absolute flawless and indefectible Russian strongman…  Read more

 @97GXRMHRepublican from VI commented…2yrs2Y

What rally pisses me off is that some ppl. are now saying why does Ukraine not just let Russia have the areas /land its just a small part of Ukriane anyway..... A small part of Ukraine ...???? WE ARE taking about a land mass the size of **** ing Belgium, Holland, Austria and Greece all put together

Why the **** should Ukraine give up all that land for what to be invaded only some years later !!


The whole concept is demeaning to an independent nat…  Read more

 @97GXRMHRepublican from VI commented…2yrs2Y

Appeasement & Armageddon: Giving in to Vladimir Putin’s nuclear blackmail will spark an unprecedented nuclear arms race and make a future nuclear war far more likely!!

There is a reason why the Soviet Union, nor any nuclear power, never launched a first strike (nuclear attack) since Word War 2, despite all of the Cold War fears that the Soviets would. And its because you can't launch a first strike without being annihilated in the second strike. I remember in the 80s when The Day After aired, and everyone hoped the Soviets would see the movie and learn the lesson. Probably not…  Read more

 @97GXRMHRepublican from VI commented…2yrs2Y

US. and UK., gave Ukraine a guarantee of protecting Ukraine sovereignty and territorial integrity based on the 1991 borders that included Crimea and east Ukraine Luhansk and Donbass..

As of the result of the Budapest Memorandum of 1994, US., gave Ukraine a guarantee that the US, stands now as a grantor of Ukraine sovereignty , becouse Ukraine gave up their nuclear weapons and back then, Ukraine had the world's third-largest nuclear weapons stockpile !!

This guarantee was reconfirmed by United States when in 2009 released a statement that the memorandum's security assurances wou…  Read more

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, we should provide them weapons to defend themselves, but usage of our troops should be coordinated with the assistance of our NATO allies' troops through the United Nations

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, we should provide them weapons to defend themselves, but any usage of our troops should be conducted with our NATO allies through the United Nations

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, we should provide them weapons to defend themselves, but the usage of our troops should only be conducted in coordination with our NATO allies

 @7PTCG38Democrat from Wisconsin answered…2yrs2Y

Yes, but in coordination with our NATO allies and the United Nations


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