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“Yes, these executives committed fraud and should be fined and jailed for their roles in creating the largest financial crisis since the great depression! If it were just any other individual they would prosecute! PROSECUTE THEM ALL! I CANT BELEIVE THEY LET THEM GET AWAY WITH THE MONEY THEY(CEO'S) DID, PLUS, the greedy bastards took the bail out money and used it like a Christmas Bonus for themselves! THE CEO'S OF WALL STREET....So ask me again do I think they should be prosecuted? YES...& TO PAY BACK THE REST OF THEIR LIVES WHAT THEY LAVISHLY WASTED! WHILE PEOPLE IN OUR USA ARE HUNGRY & HOMELESS...These guys go out and have $12,000 shower curtians hung in their guest bathroom. They lived in homes with full staff & services. LUXURY HOMES..YOU & I would pay a LUXURY TAX FOR...They were like 6 homes each at some of the most beautiful places on earth...just in case they had a mistress or two they could let them live in one of their weekend million dollar homes. While our Vet's are suffering, & our children are killing each other...and our President is trying to convert USA to a GOVERNMENT DICTATORSHIP & LIBERAL MARXIST REGIME CONTROLLED COUNTRY! WITH OUR MAIN RELIGION BEING MUSLIM NOT CHRISTIAN> REMOVE GOD FROM OUR ROOTS & BELIEFS FOR IT OFFENDS THE FOREIGNERS THAT WANT TO LIVE IN OUR COUNTRY, BECAUSE OF ITS FREEDOMS. I SAY THE WHOLE SOLUTION IS TO JUST IMPEACH OBAMA. THEN WE CAN GET BACK ON TRACK.”

From a Democrat in Duncan, OK
In reponse to: Should Wall Street executives be criminally charged for their roles in the 2008 subprime mortgage crisis?

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