Yes, but not for cosmetics

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 @8M2N46D from Missouri answered…4yrs4Y

No, not for cosmetics. Drugs should only be tested on animals if it is believed that the drug could improve the animal's health.

 @89S67K7 from Kansas answered…4yrs4Y

No, use inmates that are serving life or death sentences and offer incentives for other inmates to volunteer.

 @9B3BGKK from Oregon answered…1yr1Y

 @8PW2KJP  from Louisiana answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, animal testing is necessary for understanding the safety and proper dosages of new medicines and treatments. It would be dangerous and extremely unethical for scientists to test drugs on humans before making sure they are safe. Even though the testing might be harmful to the tested animal, I believe its sacrifice advances developments on medicine that could save millions of lives, both human and not.