Yes, this will help create and save more jobs
No, a global free trade system is better for our businesses and consumers
Yes, our country has been on the losing side of trade deals for too long
No, this will hurt our manufacturing businesses that rely on importing cheap resources to make their products

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @8GN4YCZ from Virginia answered…4yrs4Y

There are negatives to each side, free trade could induce monopolies for small businesses in the U.S. however, to high of tariffs prevent needed resources from coming into the country. I am currently okay with where we are.

 @8JCJLWV from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

If so it would need to be for security reasons, and a *lot* of careful thought would need to be put into potential unintended consequences. For example, such action may hurt businesses that rely on importing cheap resources to make their products

 @9C5KXGM from Georgia answered…1yr1Y

 @98325PG from Nevada answered…2yrs2Y

Tariffs are a useful tool but must be implemented intelligently and applied after considering the specific conditions of the industry in question as well as the geopolitics that are related.

 @97G3JRQ from Missouri answered…2yrs2Y

Should be dependent on the product and if it’s readily available in the US or capable of being produced here for a reasonable price

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