Yes, all illegal immigrants should be turned over to federal authorities and deported
No, only if they are convicted of a violent crime
No, too many non-violent immigrants are being deported

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @8MCNGGC from Virginia answered…4yrs4Y

I think that it is only fair for illegal immigrants involved in minor crimes to be referred to authorities.

 @8NKN247from Maine answered…4yrs4Y

Sometimes these immigrants dont have the money to buy themselves essentials and if they really need it they should have a bit of compassion

 @9DYQYY7  from Arizona answered…11mos11MO

If someone commits a crime which falls under State jurisdiction due to it's nature, then it should be handled by the State. If it is a federal crime, then it should be prosecuted by the federal government. But a persons immigration status, while it can be a federal offense, should have no impact on the fair trial or treatment of the accused simply.

 @9H4V8MF from Arizona answered…8mos8MO

No, only if convicted of a violent crime. Law enforcement should have the ability to report to the federal government but not detain them

 @9CBLV74 from Florida answered…1yr1Y

Yes, but Only if there is no indication of them becoming a US citizen, and if they pose as a threat.

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