Yes, exempting online retailers from sales taxes is not fair to traditional stores
No, the federal government does not have the authority to impose state and local taxes
No, customers should pay the sales tax from the seller’s state

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @8JCJLWV from Texas answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, some version of this is probably appropriate. As always, more thought is needed.

 @99T45NQ from California answered…1yr1Y

 @DesiraeBae  from Texas answered…1wk1W

No. A physical store only pays sales tax to their physical location and pays to that location. They are part of that ONE community. An online store cannot be expected to keep track of every customers location, file separate permits, collect sales tax, and remit payment for every location where a person might make a purchase. Perhaps a different type of sales tax would be more appropriate - like a national sales tax, that only applies to businesses doing sales online across many states.

 @9P7MH8N from Illinois answered…1mo1MO

Sales tax should be eliminated, and covered by increases in corporate taxes and income taxes on the rich.

 @9F9JRV8 from Virginia answered…11mos11MO

It would be most logical if interstate sales taxes were equal to the buyer's state's tax plus the seller's state tax, divided by 2