Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @Pr0porti0nalBradyGreen from Pennsylvania commented…1mo1MO

Neocons constantly blame Obama and Biden for “empowering” Iran with alleged indulgence. The buffoons never once point the finger at themselves over the obvious fact they launched multiple regime change wars that removed the hostile states on Iran’s borders that kept it contained.

 @CheerfulCowDemocrat from Texas commented…1mo1MO

1) both can be true

2) removing a hostile state isn't the problem. Withdrawing and leaving a vacuum sure to be filled by Iran is.

 @Pr0porti0nalBradyGreen from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

There’s no way the U.S. could have permanently occupied Iraq especially since the people it was siding with there were the ones more favorable to Iran. It was also impossible to proceed from Iraq to invading Iran given how costly it had already been.

 @Pr0porti0nalBradyGreen from Pennsylvania disagreed…1mo1MO

The US could have permanently occupied Iraq like it did with Germany and Japan. By the time it withdrew it was a cheap occupation.

The US was countering the Iranian influence while it had boots on the ground. And no invasion was necessary to keep Iran in check from Iraq.

 @MinorityWhipMooseVeteran from New Jersey commented…1mo1MO

Iran had $4 billion in foreign reserves before Joe Biden.

Today, Iran has $70 billion in foreign reserves.

The Biden-Harris policy of appeasement has enriched and emboldened the world's largest state sponsor of terror.


In situations of conflict, is it more important to support allies unconditionally, or to first consider the morality of their actions?


Should a country prioritize its own interests over international cooperation when dealing with global conflicts?


Can peace achieved through pressure and threats be considered true peace?


How do you feel about the idea of a 'last minute' cease fire deal; does it show strength or desperation?


Do you believe it is right for one country to intervene in the conflicts of other nations, even if it's to prevent violence?

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