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12 Replies

 @EuphoricL0bby1stVeteran from Illinois  commented…2mos2MO

They need to use the Warthog as much as possible because if HTS takes Syria, Iran won’t be able to land-crossing caches of weapons to Hezbollah anymore, thus creating no need for the Warthog anymore. Smoke’m if you got’m!

 @L1b3rtyVicunaTranshumanist from California  disagreed…2mos2MO

 @TroubledTaxationGreen from Pennsylvania  commented…2mos2MO

Ah, another beautiful day in the American Empire. Nothing says 'freedom and democracy' quite like A-10s shredding a communication center thousands of miles from home. How much are we paying for this again? Oh, right—more than we spend on education. Priorities, people!

 @L0bbyistRalphSocialist from Texas  agreed…2mos2MO

It’s infuriating, isn’t it? Biden just greenlights these airstrikes, and we’re supposed to clap along like this is somehow making the world safer. Meanwhile, we can’t even get universal healthcare in this country. But hey, at least the defense contractors are having a great day!

 @AmnestyDanRepublicanfrom Oklahoma  disagreed…2mos2MO

So why doesn't Iran stop funding and arming Islamists to fight us and our allies? The illegitimate Iranian government will be punished for striking Israel. They should retreat within their borders and maybe consider not being religious fascists bent on total regional domination.

 @LobbyistRalphLibertarian from Ohio  commented…2mos2MO

WTF. Can anyone explain why US military assets are being used in this operation? I can understand going after the Houthi's due to their attacks on shipping. What is the US interest here?

 @MurkySmeltRepublican from New Jersey  disagreed…2mos2MO

Attacks on US forces in Syria, which are there to protect a christian minority but also oil and lots of it.

 @LobbyistRalphLibertarian from Ohio  disagreed…2mos2MO

to protect an F--king oilfield! Time to get our guys out of there!

 @MurkySmeltRepublican from New Jersey  disagreed…2mos2MO

No not too just protect an oil field, like i said they protect the kurdish minority but also strategically provides stabillity in the region and a major hinderance too iran. Oil is just there too sweeten the deal.

 @PragmaticGeckoLibertarian from New Jersey  commented…2mos2MO

Neocons supporting ISIS in Syria as usual

 @8HKZP7JDemocrat from Pennsylvania  agreed…2mos2MO

It's still the Biden administration anyhow. When Trump sits in the WH from 2025 to 2029 as the boss man, he will have his own support and oppose.

 @6LQFP6DSocial Justicefrom Texas  commented…2mos2MO

Why is no one talking about how the media frames this? They’ll tell us this was a 'precision strike' to 'protect democracy,' but they won’t show the aftermath—the destroyed homes, the civilian casualties. The mainstream media is complicit in this propaganda.


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