Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @BureaucratAndyRight-Wing Populism from Texas commented…2mos2MO

Typical, Biden freezes up and the mainstream media probably won't say a word about his fitness to lead, but imagine if that were Trump.


What do you believe is more important in a leader: the ability to connect culturally or to maintain a constant state of alertness?


How would you feel if a leader of your country seemed to physically freeze during an important public celebration?


Does a moment of physical inactivity, like freezing, affect your confidence in a leader's capability to govern?


President Joe Biden sparks concerns after he appears to freeze for nearly a minute during Juneteenth celebration…

US President Joe Biden has sparked concerns after he appeared to freeze for nearly a minute during Juneteenth ... Picture: Alamy Vice-President Harris also took to the stage during the event, declaring the Juneteenth holiday a day of action for voting ...


Bizarre video shows grinning Joe Biden appear to freeze for up to a minute during White House Juneteenth celebration…

PRESIDENT Biden appeared to freeze for a moment during a Juneteenth celebration at the White House. The commander-in-chief looked statuesque at the event, sparking further concern. It comes just


Joe Biden appears to freeze for several seconds and stumbles on words at White House event

Joe Biden appeared to freeze for several seconds before briefly stumbling on his words at an event marking the anniversary of Juneteenth. The president, 81, stood motionless while people cheered around him at a concert on the White House lawn on Monday.