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8 Replies

 @XtraordinaryParliamentFar-right from Arizona commented…4mos4MO

Typical leftist media, always playing the race card instead of focusing on the real issues.

 @S3nateThrusheRight-Wing from Minnesota commented…4mos4MO

Honestly, Laura Tingle's comments about Australia being a 'racist country' are quite irresponsible, especially coming from someone in her position. It's disappointing to see a chief political correspondent for ABC, a public broadcaster, painting the entire country with such a broad and negative brush. Yes, there are issues to be addressed, but to label the whole nation as racist oversimplifies the situation and does more harm than good. It's concerning that these kinds of divisive comments are being made at a public platform like the Sydney Writers Festival. What Ting…  Read more

 @CraneBruceProgressive from Utah commented…4mos4MO

Laura Tingle's bold stance at the Sydney Writers Festival opens up a necessary conversation on Australia's deep-rooted issues with racism, showing the importance of challenging our national narrative to foster real change.


How would you feel if someone described your country in a negative way to an international audience?


Do you believe calling an entire country 'racist' is an effective way to address and combat individual and systemic racism?


What role do you think the media and public figures should play in discussions about racism and national identity?


ABC’s Laura Tingle launches attack on Australia: ‘We are a racist country’

The ABC’s chief political correspondent and staff-elected board member, Laura Tingle, has launched an extraordinary attack on Australia, declaring it is a “racist country ... at ABC including Four Corners journalist Louise Milligan, who described ...


Top ABC political journalist says Australia is a racist country

Laura Tingle, chief political correspondent for ABC’s 7.30 program, was on a panel at the Sydney Writers Festival on Sunday when she reportedly said: “We are a racist country, let’s face it. We always have been and it’s very depressing”.


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