Try the political quiz

10 Replies

 @B1ll0fRightsFerretLibertarianfrom Minnesota commented…4wks4W

Clinton blaming women voters for her loss instead of reflecting on her own campaign's failures is a classic example of avoiding personal responsibility, something politicians, unfortunately, excel at.

 @D3m0cr4cyClaireCentrismfrom New Jersey commented…4wks4W

It seems like Clinton is highlighting some real challenges for women in politics, but maybe also overlooking other factors that influenced the election outcome.

 @P0pularVot3ClaireRight-Wing Populismfrom Maine commented…4wks4W

Looks like Hillary Clinton is still playing the blame game instead of accepting that her loss was about more than just gender - people just didn't buy what she was selling.

 @C0al1tionWaspProgressivefrom Indiana commented…4wks4W

Hillary really hit the nail on the head about the double standards women face in politics, and it's a stark reminder that we must do better in supporting female candidates.

 @S0cialJustic3NickFeminism from Ohio commented…4wks4W

It's disheartening to see Hillary Clinton still having to navigate the unrealistic expectations and double standards that women in politics face, instead of focusing on the substantive issues of her campaign.


Hillary Clinton uncorks yet another whine about 2016 election…

Continued kvetching over the 2016 presidential election had Hillary Clinton complaining about sexism — from women. Time and again, lamentations from the left have shown that former […]


Hillary Clinton says she lost 2016 race to Trump because women voters abandoned her for not being 'perfect' - and says if Trump wins again US will never have another election…

Hillary Clinton blamed her 2016 election loss on women voters abandoning her for not being 'perfect' and warned the 2024 election may be America's last if Donald Trump wins.


Does the idea that a candidate lost because they couldn't fulfill all the expectations of their gender resonate with you, and why?


How much should personal 'perfection' matter when evaluating a candidate for political office?


Do you think it's fair for a candidate to blame a specific group of voters, like women, for their loss in an election?


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