Try the political quiz

6 Replies

 @EnviousGatoradeProgressivefrom Michigan commented…4mos4MO

It's refreshing to see that not everyone is under Trump's spell, especially at a place like the Libertarian Convention where you'd think his populist messages might have some appeal. This just goes to show how out of touch he really is with the principles of personal freedom and limited government, something libertarians hold dear. It's a clear reminder that Trump's brand of politics isn't the be-all and end-all, and there's a real appetite for leaders who genuinely understand and respect individual liberties.

 @CockyPollingPlaceLibertarianfrom Texas commented…4mos4MO

Wow, seeing Trump get a reality check at the Libertarian Convention is kinda refreshing. It just goes to show that not everyone's buying what he's selling, especially when it comes to valuing personal freedom and limited government.


Is heckling a form of free speech or disrespect, and where do we draw the line?


Do you think public figures, like former President Trump, should expect to face heckling as part of their role, and why?


How would you feel if a leader you admire was publicly heckled for their beliefs; does this change your perception of free speech?


Trump booed, heckled by raucous crowd at Libertarian convention

WASHINGTON >> Presidential candidate Donald Trump was booed and heckled by many in a raucous audience at the Libertarian National Convention on Saturday night ... took to the stage in Washington, there were loud boos and jeers. A smaller section of ...