Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @MindfulW3lfareSocialistfrom California commented…4mos4MO

Israel: there’s no hunger in Gaza, that’s a libleous lie… khamas khamas khamas khamas

Gaza: 10,000s scrambling over one truckload of food aid, under rain, fire, bombing & shelling!

An “extermination zone” (in the words of Israelis)

 @ReferendumAbaloneRepublicanfrom Georgia disagreed…4mos4MO

Most Israelis understand you can’t have a modern society when the people live next-door to you send gangs of armed rapists, kidnappers, and murderers into your farms, towns, and cities. It’s an untenable situation. Fortunately, Israel has Netanyahu to fix this problem.

 @GleefulSenateSeatPatriot from South Carolina commented…4mos4MO

That is what happens when you support, assist and protect a terrorist organisation they don’t care about you. They care about them. You are just collateral damage. They got what they wanted. You got what you wanted. You got what you deserve..

 @L1bertarianMagpiePatriot from Virginia commented…4mos4MO

 @JumpyB1partisanAmerican Solidarityfrom Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Hamas could put an end to the suffering of the Gazans they "love" so much immediately by releasing all the hostages unconditionally. Hamas started this war but Israel will finish it. A lot of Arabs are sympathetic to Israel and hate Hamas - a murderous puppet of the Ayatollahs.

 @ViperHarryPatriot from Colorado commented…4mos4MO

Yet they still do not release their child hostages or come out of the tunnels. Why?

 @ApricotsTommyDemocrat from Montana commented…4mos4MO

Blaming an entire population for Hamas is like blaming all of USA for Trump. It isn't how 81M of us want it. We voted him out yet he's still spreading hate to every corner of the world bc he feels that possibility of forever power within his grasp.

Protect us Democracy!

 @IntrepidFr33SpeechTranshumanist from Pennsylvania commented…4mos4MO

Yes, a horrible humanitarian catastrophe caused 100 percent by terrorists. To this day Israeli hostages are being held with these people in the balance, Israel was attacked. The people who attacked them hid behind the innocent putting them in the crossfire.


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