Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @ArtisticEqu4lityProgressivefrom California commented…4mos4MO

I can't say I'm shocked by Nikki Haley's move to endorse Trump, but it definitely adds another layer of complexity to the current political chess game. It's fascinating, yet troubling, to see how her endorsement doesn't automatically translate to unanimous support from her base. This just goes to show the deep divisions within the Republican Party and how Trump's influence continues to polarize, even among conservatives. The fact that Haley still pulled 21% of the vote in Indiana after endorsing Trump speaks volumes about the electorate's fragmented loyalty.…  Read more

 @GerrymanderSparrowLibertarian from Nebraska commented…4mos4MO

Honestly, Nikki Haley endorsing Trump just proves that political alliances are more about strategy than principles, which is exactly why voters need to think for themselves.


Can a political endorsement change your view of the endorsing politician?


How would you feel if a political leader you supported endorsed another candidate with whom you strongly disagree?


Do you believe an endorsement from a politician you admire should influence your own vote?