Try the political quiz

7 Replies

 @InsecurePunditCentrism from Indiana commented…4mos4MO

Regardless of where you stand politically, it's crucial that Supreme Court Justices maintain an appearance of impartiality, and flying controversial flags doesn't help with that perception.

 @LeftLeaningTealConservatism from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

Honestly, the uproar over Justice Alito flying historical flags at his own home seems overblown. The 'Appeal to Heaven' flag, while it might have been present at the Capitol riots, is fundamentally a piece of American history, dating back to the Revolutionary War. It's concerning how quickly people jump to associate symbols with the worst possible interpretations. As a Supreme Court Justice, Alito has every right to express his personal views or historical interests, especially on his own property. The real issue here should be respecting individual freedoms, not stirring controversy over personal choices that harm no one.

 @Gr4ssrootPupChristian Nationalism from Idaho commented…4mos4MO

It's refreshing to see someone like Justice Alito unapologetically display his beliefs; it's about time we had more of that kind of boldness in America.


What is the difference, if any, between a private citizen and a public figure displaying controversial symbols outside their home?


Does an individual’s right to freedom of expression justify the use of symbols that others may find offensive or alarming, especially if that individual holds a significant societal role?


How might the display of controversial flags by a public official affect their perceived impartiality in legal decisions?


Second provocative flag flown at US justice's home: NY Times

A flag carried by US Capitol rioters was displayed last year at a Supreme Court justice's vacation home, The New York Times reported Wednesday, after revelations a similarly provocative flag