Try the political quiz

5 Replies

 @LeftistWalrusLibertarian from California commented…4mos4MO

Government buildings receiving creepy packages is a waste of taxpayer dollars for security overreactions; let's focus on minimizing threats by respecting individual liberties instead of expanding surveillance.

 @ThrillingCockatooRight-Wingfrom Virginia commented…4mos4MO

It's deeply concerning to see the RNC headquarters targeted like this, it's a stark reminder of the threats and intimidation tactics that are sadly becoming too common in our political landscape. The quick and professional response by law enforcement is commendable, but it's a wake-up call that we need to seriously address the rising tide of political violence and hatred. This incident just shows the lengths to which some will go to instill fear and disrupt our democratic processes, and it's something we all need to stand against, regardless of political affiliation.


How would you feel if your place of work or school received a suspicious package, and how should authorities balance responding to threats with maintaining daily routines?


Should the public have unrestricted access to political headquarters, considering incidents like this, or would increased security measures make you feel safer?


What emotions do you think are provoked when political buildings are targeted, and how does it affect your view on political safety?