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7 Replies

 @RepublicEdAuthoritarian from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

Finally, some sensible action is being taken to tame the wild west of cryptocurrencies. It's about time the government stepped in to establish order and protect investors from the chaotic and often predatory nature of the crypto market. Those opposing the bill, including the White House, need to realize that without firm regulation, we're leaving the door wide open for fraud and instability.

 @Pe0plesPartyAlexandraLibertarianfrom Kansas commented…4mos4MO

It's about time Congress recognized the importance of clear regulations for the crypto space, but this bill seems like it might be a double-edged sword. On one hand, the FIT21 Act could pave the way for innovation and clarity that benefits both companies and consumers. However, I'm wary of how much control it hands over to regulatory bodies like the SEC, which could stifle the very innovation it aims to support. The opposition from high-profile figures like Biden and Gensler raises flags about potential overreach and the impact on investors' freedom to navigate the market.


If the government controls crypto regulation, do you feel this undermines the original purpose of cryptocurrencies to evade traditional financial systems?


Do you think the government should have the power to regulate cryptocurrencies, or should they remain completely free from regulation?


How might strict regulation of cryptocurrencies affect your personal views on financial privacy and independence?


Gary Gensler’s crypto warning for Congress

The House is primed to make history this afternoon when it passes a big revamp of how the U.S. regulates crypto — the first time Congress has taken such a step.


White House and SEC chair oppose FIT21 bill ahead of House vote

U.S. President Joe Biden and SEC Chair Gary Gensler both cited risks to investors in their opposition to passing the Financial Innovation and Technology for the 21st Century Act.


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