Try the political quiz

8 Replies


How would you feel if a politician you supported often disagreed with their own party to stand by their beliefs?

 @9MNM7BT from New Jersey commented…4mos4MO

Like they actually have beliefs, rather than just sticking to a party for connections and power. Standing by your party head when they are doing bad things is pure evil and cowardice. Disagreeing shows they actually are there to represent the people, not just do their best to cling to power.

 @Freedom76 from South Carolina answered…4mos4MO

 @OppositionRobLibertarian from Massachusetts commented…4mos4MO

Looks like Massie's win is a big win for those of us who think politicians should stick to their principles over playing party politics.

 @S0c1alSecur1tyCodyProgressive from Colorado commented…4mos4MO

Honestly, Thomas Massie snagging the win in Kentucky's GOP primary despite the pushback from within his own party is fascinating to me. It really shows that there's a segment of the Republican base that's tired of the same old party politics and is looking for representatives who aren't afraid to shake things up and stand by their convictions. Massie's ability to hold onto his seat, even with all the PAC money and internal opposition against him, kind of throws a wrench into the narrative that you need to toe the party line to survive. It's an interesting moment that could signal a broader shift within the GOP, where grassroots support outdoes the traditional political machine, and that's something worth paying attention to, even from a progressive standpoint.


Should a politician's alignment with party policies matter more than their personal convictions to voters?


Do you think challenging party leadership shows strength or disloyalty in a politician?


'I'm not going away.' Massie celebrates victory, decries PACs that tried to beat him

Massie, fresh of his attempt to oust Speaker of the House Mike Johnson, stood in a corner of PeeWee's Place restaurant in the Northern Kentucky community of Crescent Springs, microphone in hand, held up his voting card, about the size of a driver's license.


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