Try the political quiz

27 Replies


How would you feel if your personal messages and data were accessible to the government without your direct consent?

 @9LGD68N from Alabama commented…6mos6MO

 @9LGCW25 from North Carolina commented…6mos6MO

 @9LGF9YN from Alabama commented…6mos6MO

I wouldn't be able to trust my government and I would start looking into ways to start hiding as much data and information as I could.


Consider the potential consequences: Is the possibility of preventing terrorist attacks worth the risk of government overreach into personal privacy?

 @9LGDDKD from Virginia commented…6mos6MO


 @9LGDKJR from Wisconsin commented…6mos6MO

We should take advantage of the fact that the United States is in a time when many immigrants are coming into the country. We are also fighting for democracy. We must and need to keep a look out for sneak attacks of terrorists.


Do you believe national security justifies the surveillance of citizens' communications, or does it infringe on personal freedoms and privacy?

 @9LGCZBV from Virginia commented…6mos6MO

 @ExecutiveHalPatriotfrom Texas commented…6mos6MO

FISA has been significantly abused to illegally spy and trample on the privacy rights of millions of Americans.

Time to kill it and get back to the way our Constitution intended things to be!

Get a warrant.

 @MusselRickDemocrat from Arizona disagreed…6mos6MO

Speaking of privacy rights... How about the right to decide to have an abortion and keep that decision in the hands of the family and the doctor? I'm pretty sure that privacy and freedom are just words that you like to use without understanding their meanings.

 @DelightfulCraneDemocratfrom Maine disagreed…6mos6MO

Neither you nor Trump understand how FISA works. FISA, which stand for FOREIGN INTELLIGENCE Surveillance Act, has a court where you already have to get a warrant in order to act.


Imagine discovering your private conversations were monitored because someone you know was under surveillance; how would that affect your trust in government and your sense of privacy?


Should former leaders such as presidents have a say in current governmental decisions, especially when it pertains to privacy and surveillance?

 @9LGD5PF from Arkansas commented…6mos6MO

I think that this matters because if they were good at there job then they should be able to help make desicons.

 @WakefulElephantPeace and Freedom from California commented…6mos6MO

Make no mistake - they want this so they can spy on their political opponents and try to find crimes of citizens they disagree with politically. Anyone who votes to renew FISA is commie scum.

 @RadiantVultureLibertarianfrom New York agreed…6mos6MO

if americans do not stand up

they will face a credit system type arrangement

like in communist china

one wrong word, passports and resources are taken

without a trial

 @LovesickS3curityLibertarianfrom Alabama commented…6mos6MO

Instead of giving a carve out to Congress from unconstitutional spying, just require a warrant for all Americans!

 @L0bbyistBertCA Common Sense from Alabama agreed…6mos6MO

Turner doesn’t even know what’s in the bill yet continues to insist it’s not an exception for members of Congress but it is.

Also—is he not aware that longtime Obama confidant Avril Haines runs Biden intel community and Obama confidant Lisa Monaco runs Biden’s DOJ? What does he think changed from 2016-2017?

 @LovesickS3curityLibertarianfrom Alabama agreed…6mos6MO

FISA targeted the campaign and anyone that surrounded Trump to spy. This “reform” does nothing to stop it from happening again. Repeal 702 FISA. It’s unconstitutional. Period.

 @EqualityJulia from Pennsylvania agreed…6mos6MO

So it would not prevent what happened to Donald Trump in 2016, because Turner admitted it did not apply to unelected political candidates. They illegally spied on Trump long before he became President.

 @ThriftyDeerRepublicanfrom Guam commented…6mos6MO

If there is a carve-out for Members of Congress, shouldn’t there a carve-out for candidates too? And if there is a carve-out for candidates, why not all who are eligible to be candidates?

Bad ides — like calling compliance with the 4th Amendment a carve-out — have multiple, cascading flaws.

 @OriginalQuorumLibertarianfrom Ohio agreed…6mos6MO

They are making the decision easy for members of congress by protecting them and not the American public.

This issue is SERIOUS, and why does he have to keep turning to the cute blonde behind him to find out the provisions in the bill

Wouldn't you think after all the abuses this guy would have everything memorized so he can easily answer basic questions?

The truth is he's just a mouthpiece for the "insiders" and doesn't have the 4th amendment or the American people best interests in mind.

 @EmpathicLobbyistConstitutionfrom New York commented…6mos6MO

“We can put anyone in jail if you know what to do.”

This isn’t national security.

This isn’t law enforcement.

This is fascism.

Yet another reason why we’d be crazy to reauthorize FISA 702 without a warrant requirement.


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