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17 Replies


Does the ban on religious themes in the art contest protect participants from potential bias, or does it limit personal expression?

 @9L7VCP3 from Pennsylvania commented…6mos6MO

 @9L7SS9W from Michigan commented…6mos6MO

I feel that there should not be a ban on religious themes because it is a limit of expression. People should not be forced to include or exclude such themes from their art. Religion is part of the human experience, and art is a method we can use to tap into said experience.


Can a balance be struck between inclusivity and respecting the religious origins of Easter in public celebrations?

 @9L7V6JRRepublican from Texas commented…6mos6MO

It is a fundamental tier of the United States as a free country to have free expression of religion. There should be a basic understanding within the community and throughout society that there will be various religious groups that will be showing their faith through different types of displays. As long as the display is not physically imposing on peoples lives then it should be perfectly fine.

 @9L7TWCCRepublican from Washington commented…6mos6MO

We ought to preserve our nations cultural heritage—for the sake of cultural cohesion and public morality.

 @WorldlyRelishPatriot from Indiana commented…6mos6MO

If you take Jesus out of Easter it becomes Sunday. Easter is NOT about rabbits that lay eggs.

 @BoredGranolaRepublican from Oregon agreed…6mos6MO

Unfortunately Easter is no longer about Jesus. The Easter bunny had nothing to do with Jesus and Easter has come like Christmas, completely commercialized. All the Catholics and Christian’s who push religion should fight to de commercialize the holidays. But that is my opinion


Should children's artwork for public display be free of religious symbols, or do such restrictions overlook the significance of these symbols to individuals?


Is it fair to restrict artistic expressions that include important aspects of a participant's identity, such as their faith?

 @Ind3pend3ntCharlotteConstitution from Illinois commented…6mos6MO

It’s crazy when atheists believe they can celebrate Easter and CHRISTmas while still fighting against Christianity

 @OatmealDougConstitution from California commented…6mos6MO

He said religious themes like the olive branch, Christ, cross, anything that indicates the son of god has risen

He is the Antichrist


How do you feel about excluding religious themes from an event traditionally associated with a religious holiday?

 @9L7TMKF from Missouri commented…6mos6MO

What's next going to take Christ out of Christmas too...this is ridiculous.. its like we have to do what the atheists' want what about how America used to be a country of Christian didn't matter what religion you were but this is extreme.

 @ArtisticFr33domDemocrat from Texas commented…6mos6MO

Easter has nothing to do with any religion. Yall have stolen the holiday that supposed to be celebrating fertility and the start of spring.

Just like Christmas and all the others.


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