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13 Replies

 @UnicornBertiePatriot from Nevada commented…7mos7MO

Corporate America should be proud for helping the CCP build its military. Start with Apple's insatiable appetite to create jobs in China and flood the US market with CCP made goods. Anything we buy from China reaps rewards for their military because the CCP owns much of its companies. Americans need to wake up and stop buying anything made in China costing over $50.

 @UnforgettableInd3pend3ntLibertarianfrom Ohio commented…7mos7MO

The corporations are responding to the US Consumer's insatiable demand for cheap goods. Apple did a study on making I Phones in the USA. They would cost double. So if you can buy a $2,000 I Phone with a USA Flag on it vs a $1,000 Samsung Phone which phone will be bought?

This has been going on for decades from TV's, VCR's, Radios, Microwave's, textiles, etc. The US consumer always chooses the cheaper product. That is why production moved. Those that didn't move went out of business. When people are trampling each other on Black Friday or shopping on Prime Day or Cyber Monday they are not looking for made in USA. They are looking for deals.

 @UnicornBertiePatriot from Nevada commented…7mos7MO

We can't even find an F-35 jet...but at least our military has determined how to use the right pronouns. It is not a matter of "if" but when China will invade Taiwan...

 @BureaucratAbigailMountainfrom Texas commented…7mos7MO

Good luck with that. Do you think the average American even understands the potential implications of China invading Taiwan? Or cares? I'll have a Big Mac with fries, extra large please.

 @TranquilS3nateRepublican from Oklahoma commented…7mos7MO

This is the balance of power. The US do have microwave tech but limited. This is because the US has to get sufficient rare earth metals (REM) and lithium (for portable rechargeable batteries). Today, everything's about portability. I wouldn't be surprised if this technology shows up in the Russian operations against Ukraine.

 @AloofWaspConstitutionfrom Maine commented…7mos7MO

Those people laughing at this reminds me of how Elon musk laughed at BYD just a few years ago. Hen is now eating the dust.

 @L3gislat1veBobcatPatriot from California commented…7mos7MO

A useful tool. The US and allies have over several decades developed EMS weapons, to be used in civilian settings, that can confuse, disorientate, injure and even kill targeted individuals. These weapons reportedly have become so small they are portable and are powerful enough to fire through several layers of ordinary building walls.

 @CockyMackerelRepublican from Illinois commented…7mos7MO

Buckle up.

The Chinese sense corrupt and deliberate Biden administration weakness and a potential Republican win in 2024. Their plan is to introduce chaos in the US in 2024 and advance on Taiwan to control the world's semiconductor production and world's shipping lanes through the South China sea.

The Biden/Blinken bribes will finally pay off.

 @L3gislat1veBobcatPatriot from California commented…7mos7MO

Numerous wargames by think tanks in DC have also shown if we did go to war with China over Taiwan we'd suffer tens of thousands of casualties and lose hundreds of aircraft and dozens of ships within the opening days of conflict.

We also have a complete inability to recruit young people to serve, because they've been taught America is to be despised not defended, and a complete lack of industrial capability to build the materiel required to fight a war of that scale because we've outsourced it all to China.

Our goose is well and truly cooked. Every day it looks more and more like the best we can hope for is a managed decline. The America most of us once knew is already dead and buried.

 @CockyMackerelRepublican from Illinois commented…7mos7MO

This was the Obama plan all along. Reduce evil America's influence world wide and destroy the economic photons left by colonialism. If you are moderately successful and wonder who the enemy might be, just look in the mirror.

 @HushedPopulistLibertarian from Georgia commented…7mos7MO

What all that says to me is that the need to use nuclear resources goes way up because we have no other options on the table.


Imagine if a device like this fell into the wrong hands; how might that change your view on the control and regulation of military technology?


Do you believe the development of advanced military technology like this serves as a protective measure or a potential risk for global conflicts?


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