Try the political quiz

8 Replies

 @AlaskaHawaii  from New York disagreed…4yrs4Y

That statement is transphobic.

  @JonBSimConstitutionfrom Kentucky disagreed…2yrs2Y


Transphobia doesn't exist because, statistically, no one has an irrational fear of transsexuals.

And many people have a rational fear, such as women in locker rooms and bathrooms.

Transphobia is a nonsense slur that is akin to blasphemy/heresy.

 @WhatisaWoman? from Michigan commented…1yr1Y

Blasphemy is not the same as transphobia. In the Bible, the ONE sin that is unforgivable is blasphemey against the Holy Spirit.

 @8P2JV4NPeace and Freedom from Kansas commented…4yrs4Y

So what your saying is that youre neither a boy nor a girl? Cool, but keep your TRANS-PHOBIC comments to yourself


Thank you for speaking truth.

 @ThrilledZebraDemocrat from Texas disagreed…1yr1Y

I appreciate your sentiment, sincerely. However, it's critical to remember that the concept of truth can differ based on personal experiences and perspectives. For instance, individuals who identify outside the traditional gender binary might argue that their lived experiences are their truth.


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