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“1. Darwin was an atheist much more so than he was a scientist. Darwin looked for a theory that at once explained the potential origin of species while at the same time denied the existence of God. Psst! That is NOT science! In fact, to arbitrarily deny God is a blatant violation of the scientific method, is it not? 2. There is a HUGE difference between micro-evolutionary change (i.e., within a species) and macro-evolutionary change (i.e., jumping out of one species to create another). There is virtually no evidence of macro-evolution! There is no evidence there is no God! There is no evidence that EVEN IF evolution could be proved true that it is not an instrument of God. Etc. So, such a question is more political than scientific, as was Darwin.”

From a Republican in Clearview City, KS
In reponse to: Do you believe the theory of Evolution?

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