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“I am a Christian, so I believe that God created the universe. I do not feel that this disproves some sort of evolution, though. I just don't want the schools saying that evolution proves the fact that God doesn't exist. This was a real problem for me when my kids were in school. And there IS a war on Christianity in this country. Don't take away my rights to give other people theirs. Everyone should be tolerant of each other and not force religion out of everything all the time. This country was based on Judeo/Christian values, and we were tolerant of everything else. It is time we put a stop to people coming here saying that it is their right to remove anything that they perceive as Christian because they don't believe in it. THEN GO BACK TO THE HELLHOLE YOU CAME FROM!!!”

From a Republican in Rockville, MD
In reponse to: Do you believe the theory of Evolution?

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