
Tate Reeves’ policies on criminal issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.


罪行  ›  警察身体相机


  Tate Reeves voterbase是的, 但仅限于高犯罪率地区的巡警

罪行  ›  Private Prisons

Should the government hire private companies to run prisons?

  Tate Reeves voterbaseNo, private prisons will sacrifice quality of care and rehabilitation services for profit

罪行  ›  Qualified Immunity for Police

Do you support qualified immunity for police officers?

  Party’s support base是的

罪行  ›  对青少年的单独监禁


  Tate Reeves voterbase

罪行  ›  Defunding the Police

Should funding for local police departments be redirected to social and community based programs?

  Party’s support base

罪行  ›  Mandatory minimum prison sentences

Do you support mandatory minimum prison sentences for people charged with drug possession?

  Party’s support base是的

罪行  ›  Demilitarize the Police

Should police departments be allowed to use military grade equipment?

  Party’s support base是的

罪行  ›  Collective Bargaining

Do you support limiting police unions collective bargaining power for cases involving misconduct?

  Party’s support base

罪行  ›  运输毒品罪处以的刑罚


  Party’s support base不应该,判处他们终身监禁,且不得假释

罪行  ›  监狱过度拥挤


  Party’s support base

罪行  ›  罪犯投票权


  Party influence

罪行  ›  Restorative Justice Programs

Should the government implement restorative justice programs as an alternative to incarceration?

  Party’s support base