
Andy Kim’s policies on housing issues

These issues below are sorted in descending order based on how important the average American voter ranked them on the quiz.


Housing  ›  Foreign Real Estate Investment

Should the government restrict the purchase of residential properties by foreign investors?

  Andy Kim voterbase是的

Housing  ›  Rent Control

Should the government implement rent control policies to limit the amount landlords can charge for rent?

  Andy Kim voterbase是的

Housing  ›  Affordable Housing

Should the government incentivize the construction of affordable housing?

  Andy Kim voterbase是的

Housing  ›  Homeless Shelters

Should the government increase funding for homeless shelters and services?

  Party’s support base是的

Housing  ›  First-time Homebuyer Subsidies

Should the government provide subsidies for first-time homebuyers?

  Andy Kim voterbase是的

Housing  ›  Homeless Encampments

Should homeless individuals, that have refused available shelter or housing, be allowed to sleep or encamp on public property?

  Andy Kim voterbaseYes, and create more social programs to provide free food, clothing, and medicine

Housing  ›  Green Spaces

Should new housing developments be required to include green spaces and parks?

  Andy Kim voterbase是的

Housing  ›  Foreclosure Assistance

Should the government provide assistance to homeowners facing foreclosure?

  Andy Kim voterbase是的

Housing  ›  High density residential buildings

Should the government incentivize the construction of high density residential buildings?

  Andy Kim voterbase是的