Yes, I support a majority of the plan but not all aspects
No, open the markets so insurers can compete across state lines and reduce costs
Yes, but a mandatory single payer system would be even better
No, government should not be involved in healthcare
Yes, and allow consumers to choose providers and import pharmaceuticals from other countries

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Other Popular Answers

Unique answers from America users whose views extended beyond the provided choices.

 @8LBTY8Pfrom Maine answered…4yrs4Y

I support the part where people with preexisting conditions cannot be denied healthcare, but generally healthcare shouldn’t be controlled by the government, since it increases wait times and becomes really inefficient and expensive. Also, i think that health care shoud be free

 @4RTCKHBfrom California answered…4yrs4Y

Too much emphasis is placed on current medicine! "Modern " medicine is still not very good!

Many Americans get too caught up in medicine when IN FACT health is easily maintained, for example eat natural healthy foods, exercise, and have a good Attitude, etc.

 @4RVPH5Qfrom Arizona answered…4yrs4Y

I find it hypocritical for Congress to enact a law from which they have excluded themselves.

 @5B2RSHRfrom New Jersey answered…4yrs4Y

Big Pharma needs to be dismantled, and the cure for Cancer needs to be made available. What do you think people are stupid. You gotta bunch of fat cats making millions off of hospital bills, drug costs, and treatment for people's health. They literally destroy lives, emotionally, financially and mortally

 @4Y89PDJfrom Guam answered…4yrs4Y

No I don't. I do think the government (if there is one) has an obligation to promote HEALTH and how people can stay healthy. Programs funded by the government should be in line with this and corporations promoting products harmful to health ( which would raise the cost of healthcare across the board and burden the taxpayer((if there was a government healthcare system)) should be required to label such products as "harmful to health" and tax the corporations heavily. Certain ingredients should be banned and companies found promoting profit over health should be put out of business. Also, these companies should NOT be allowed to sponsor sporting events Pepsi, Frito Lay, Marlboro, Budweiser...). Marketing to children should be considered a crime.

 @kmwhite59from California answered…4yrs4Y

No, it is just a ploy by pharmaceutical companies and the government to get the American people hooked on pharmaceuticals from the womb to the tomb.

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