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 @9NPD8DQ from Ohio answered…2mos2MO

 @9MV968B from Delaware answered…2mos2MO

 @9RDDSGC  from Florida answered…4 days4D

Yes, foreign entities and nations should not be allowed to purchase residential property or land that is of value to residential development. Individual non-U.S. residents should not be allowed to purchase multiple properties, and properties should be limited to individual flats/apartments in high-density buildings. However, individuals who are U.S. residents should not be discriminated against regardless of their country of origin or citizenships.

 @9R6W56G from Washington answered…6 days6D

Yes and domestic corporations. Make single family homes unprofitable as an investment by corporations.

 @9R5KW96 from Texas answered…6 days6D

If they’re just using them as rental properties, yes, but I think that they should restrict the number of rental properties that a citizen can own.

 @9R2Y8PV from Maine answered…1wk1W

No, but they should not be allowed to buy out apartment buildings, trailer parks, or condominium complexes.