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 @8XB8NH5 from Michigan answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, however, Biden's botched withdrawal is the best example of how NOT to do it.

 @8X95KPY from Missouri answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, but it should have been done in a better manner that did not result in leaving equipment in the rush to leave

 @8FF8RJSfrom Vermont answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, but pulling out needs to be done carefully. Civilians should be polled by US forces to assist in the formation of a stable government of their choosing, not the United States installing a leader that the civilians of Afghanistan disprove of.

 @8XH56DM from Indiana answered…3yrs3Y

Yes but it needs an actual plan to get out without hurting allies and people that relied on us during that time

 @8XDFFD8 from Utah answered…3yrs3Y

Yes, well we pulled the majority of troops out. But we should have had a better exit strategy.

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