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Should the state legislator have more power to review rules set by state agencies?

Results from Master's Degree voters

Last answered 8 years ago

H.J.R. 5 Poll Results for Master's Degree voters


0 votes



0 votes


Distribution of answers submitted by Master's Degree voters.

2 Yes answers
2 No answers
0 overlapping answers

Data includes total votes submitted by visitors since Oct 20, 2016. For users that answer more than once (yes we know), only their most recent answer is counted in the total results. Total percentages may not add up to exactly 100% as we allow users to submit "grey area" stances that may not be categorized into yes/no stances.

Education data estimated by matching users to U.S. Census data block groups via the American Community Survey (2007-2011).

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* Data estimated by matching users to U.S. Census data block groups via the American Community Survey (2007-2011)

Yes No Importance