Yes, we cannot risk the launch of a nuclear weapon
No, we must use every diplomatic option first
No, and I am not convinced that North Korea has or is capable of developing a long-range nuclear missile
No, we should let China address this issue
No, North Korea is not an immediate threat to our country

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 @8HW6GDC from California answered…4yrs4Y

 @3PYYHYSfrom Texas answered…4yrs4Y

No, we need to find another diplomatic option. Once we go after North Korea, they are just waiting to drop an H Bomb on us and it will open the world to a gigantic world war that frankly, we cannot afford to lose.

 @3PZ5G5Kfrom Missouri answered…4yrs4Y

Like Iran military strikes will be ineffective because we have dithered so long they are now extremely well protected from a military strike; we should asymmetrically attack N Korea and Iran to destroy their nuclear program(s). Cyber attack, infiltration of components that don't work, assassination of key personnel, we should do everything at our disposal to stop these people whose stated intention is to kill us for being us.

 @3PY7Y5Pfrom Missouri answered…4yrs4Y

No, but we should use economic pressure to cause North Korea to collapse.

 @3PZ2BFTfrom Kansas answered…4yrs4Y

I think all forms of deterrence should be on the table when it comes to North Korea and their nuclear weapon capabilities.

 @3PXRYXK from Arizona answered…4yrs4Y

Yes, along with other nations threatened by their capabilities. We are not the sole police presence of the world.

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